Chief of Staff Oct 24

Sharon Wade 662-207-1475 email

President Tanya, Secretary Aletta, Conductor Becki, PDP Ann Berryman and yours truly attended National President Brenda Bryant’s CAFE at the National Home in Eaton Rapids, Michigan September 7. The National Home is working on it’s 100 year celebration. 

Many auxiliary members across the United States were in attendance and participated in an awesome celebration. 

New auxiliary instituted in Lucedale Auxiliary # 12192 (District 2) on September 10, 2024, with 21 new members. We are still working with 6 other Posts that have asked to talk about an auxiliary for themselves. 

There will be several items of interest and learning at our Council of Administration meeting Oct 25 – 26 along with the Commander and President’s Homecoming  so please make plans to attend. 


Chief of Staff Sept 24

Sharon Wade 662-207-1475 email

We are now entering our third month of Department President Tanya Constant’s year. We have had the VFW/VFWA National Convention and also our first Council of Administration meeting, during both we learned many new ideas to take back to our Auxiliaries to help us have an outstanding year again.

I look forward to working with all auxiliaries that need help and guidance in completing all forms and programs during the year. Please let me know if your auxiliary needs assistance in any way. My email address and phone number are listed above. 

At this time we have approximately 6 Posts asking us to start a new auxiliary at their post. Remember you need 15 new members to start a new auxiliary, then others can be added. First the Post has to have a meeting and have a majority vote to have an auxiliary for their Post. After that is when your Chief of Staff, along with other Auxiliary Officers/Members start working to get the Auxiliary up and running. It is not an overnight process but very rewarding when completed for the Post and the Department of Mississippi Auxiliary.

This month we will be celebrating National President Brenda Bryants’ Celebrating America’s Freedom Event September 6-8, 2024, at the National Home in Eaton Rapids, MI. Several of us will be going but we will be able to be gotten in touch with by phone or email.
