Hospital Oct 24

Betty Ashmus 228-990-6969 email

Hello to all the volunteers in and out of the Hospital program. What’s new in your location? A lot has been going on in the coast area. A new program is about to start at the Biloxi VA Center…….COFFEE AND DONUTS! Yeah! October 1st starts the distribution of hot coffee and fresh donuts, twice a week, Tuesday and Thursdays, for our veterans visiting at the Biloxi VA facility for appointments or any other reason. If you would like to help with this worthy project, feel free to ask about joining the volunteering team. We have a monthly social with the PTSD group on the 2nd Wednesday at 1.30pm, and we added to our schedule, visiting and socializing at the Blind Rehab Center, Building 14 on September 24 th. We will have monthly Ice-Cream Socials there on the 4th Tuesday at 1.30 pm. If you are in the area, please don’t hesitate to join in. All are welcome and the patient’s really love the interaction.

We have a monthly social at the CLC. Building 15, on the 4th Friday also at 1.30 pm. I will be asking for donations of personal items for our ‘Blessing Bags’. There will be a list of small items, for example, shampoo, tooth brushes, conditioner, shower gel, soap, deodorant, (you get the picture) that will fit in a gallon zip lock bag to be given to the homeless. More on these programs at the Council of Administration in October. If you can help it will be appreciated. Also donations are always need for the pantry at the VA for the homeless. With the cooler weather coming I know that coats and sweaters will be appreciated along with gloves and scarves. As you are cleaning out those closets, think of the less fortunate and be kind. There are so many ways to help our veterans and their families especially those in nursing homes that have lost their loved ones. Please visit them if you can. They will welcome a smiling face any time of the day. We may be in their shoes (or bed) some day and would really like to see a familiar face to two.

If anyone has free time or maybe just a day that you are sitting around the house doing ho-hum things and want to get out and do something different, think of the time being well spent and get that ‘feel good’ feeling, come see us at the VA, nursing home or any hospital. YOU WILL BE APPRECIATED

See me for your volunteer’s information.

Yours in service to our true heroes