Barbara Franklin 601-620-8889 email
Recruit 5 new/rejoin members by December 31st – will receive a magnetic US flag pin from VFW store and entered into a drawing to win a $15 VFW Store gift certificate.
Recruit 10 new/rejoin members by December 31st – will receive a magnetic US flag pin from VFW store and entered into a drawing to win $25 cash.
Recruit 25 or more new/rejoin members by December 31st –will receive a recognition keepsake and entered into a drawing to win $50 cash.
Every member that converts from Annual to Life member by December 31st – will receive a Life member pin from VFW store and will be entered into a drawing for $75 cash.
Every Auxiliary to reach 100% by December 31st – will receive $25 cash and a 100% ribbon (for display).
Now, Who’s up for the challenge?
you can scan the code below or click on the QR code
“Prepare Your Ask”
Scan the QR code. Behind this QR code will be things like the Fact Sheet, Membership Application, What We Do, Auxiliary Locator and anything else we might need in our “Recruiting Tool Kit”.