Beth Crow 662-522-9481 email
Merry Christmas, everyone! I can’t believe that 2024 is almost over. I know that you all have had some wonderful youth activities at your post or in the community. I need a favor from you all. Please send some pictures of your youth activities to me. I would love to create a collage of all the great things Mississippi is doing with its young people. You can email them to me at email.
I’ll share SWAP with you from District 6 Auxiliary. For Veterans Day, they did a program at the Attala Co. Library. District Commander Grayce Powell was their guest. A patriotic book was read and they taught the children how to salute and pledge the flag. There are plans for additional programs at the library in the future.
I’m getting lots of reports from different auxiliaries. However, there really isn’t room on the report form to expound on the details of your events. So, if you would, please send me an email about your youth events. I would love to feature a SWAP in each newsletter. And don’t forget you can submit your reading programs for the national citation.