Legislative Jan 25

Rebecca Todd 901-262-8183 email

Happy New Year y’all!!

It is a brand new year and we need to continue being active in our legislative advocacy. This past year, the Elizabeth Dole Act was finally passed and is waiting the president’s signature to be signed into law. This will improve benefits for veterans and caregivers. Unfortunately, the Major Richard Star Act did not pass, even though it had much support. We have to continue our support of this much needed bill for reform of retirement pay and disability compensation.

Remember to keep pushing our legislators and letting our voices be heard! I urge you to sign up for Action Corp weekly, if you are not already.  This allows you to receive Action Alerts.  These let you know your voice is needed immediately in support of legislation that improves our veterans lives.
If you need help signing up for Action Corp weekly, call me and I will get you hooked up.
Together we can do this!

Legislative Nov 24

Rebecca Todd 901-262-8183 email

I hope that you already have or will cast your ballot in this year’s elections.
Reminder that is important to keep yourself informed of any legislation affecting our veterans benefits by being signed up for Action Corp Weekly newsletters.
If you were unable to attend our recent  School of Instruction and C of A, you missed a rousing game of tic-tac-toe involving legislative questions!

Legislative Oct 2024

Rebecca Todd 901-262-8183 email

Salute to my Advocates!

Election time is fast approaching, make sure you are registered to vote.

Kudos to Auxiliary/Post 5397 for holding a National Voter Registration day! If your auxiliary has held one, please let me know.

Reminder to sign up for Action Corp Weekly if you haven’t done so. This enables you to receive Action Alerts for pending legislation. We HAVE to stay in the loop regarding our veterans rights and benefits.

Use your VOICE

to make a CHOICE

Legislative Sept 24

Rebecca Todd 901-262-8183 email

Hello my fellow compatriots!
Everyone says they are signed up for VFW Action Corps newletters so now I want you to show me.  Call or text me the date of the last Action Alert that went out and what is the legislation that it was asking for your support on? A surprise to the first one that gets it right!
Keep fighting for our veterans!

Legislative August 24

Rebecca Todd 901-262-8183 email

Hello to all my Advocates!

This is a long time program that is very important and together our advocacy continues to make positive changes for our veterans. 

We fight to get laws changed and bills passed that will make veterans’ lives better. So get involved, know the issues, visit the VFW website, sign up for Action Corps weekly which allows you to show your support for bills before Congress and will automatically send letters to our representatives for you.

We have to stand up for veterans rights and the benefits they have earned and deserve.

Here are some things that will make us
better advocates and improve our
advocacy efforts: 

  • Become familiar with the VFW Priority Goals – then share this information with other VFW and Auxiliary members
    during meetings or in newsletters.
  • Know where elected officials stand on veteran issues – then be prepared to draft letters for upcoming legislation.
  • Sign up for the VFW Action Corps Weekly – then invite others to sign up.
  • Respond to VFW Action Alerts – then spread the word for others to act.
  • Get involved with town hall meetings -then encourage others to attend.
  • Be sure to vote in all elections – then assist others with the voting process

Legislative Mar 24

As Legislative Chairman this year I have received a lot of good reports from the Auxiliaries. Please continue to send them in as the final reports will be due soon. This program will continue to help our Veterans and families of the Service members. Please continue to use Resources Available to you in MALTA. Encourage your members to contact your legislators and congressman on bills concerning our Veterans. Be sure to continue to check the VFW website for the current Priority Goals. Working together with our elected officials can help them understand the position of our Veterans. Continue to attend town hall meetings.


Legislative Dec23

Denise Kindred e-mail

Hello All!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Holiday and enjoyed spending time
with family and friends. We had an election in the month of November, and I hope
everyone got out and voted. Continue to talk with your legislators about bills and
issues concerning our Veterans.
VFW Action Corps Weekly is free and it’s full of news about what’s happening on
Capitol Hill with the Veterans and service member issues and with National
Security. Subscribe at the National Website at vfwauxiliary.org by selecting “What
We Do” then click on “Legislative”.
Goals are released in January of each year by the VFW website or MALTA
Member resources for the current Priority Goals.
One of the main objectives of the Legislative Program is to improve the lives of
our Veterans, service members and families through advocacy. Thanks for all your
effort. Keep up the good work!!!!

Legislative Nov 23

Hello All!
We are off to a great start with our Legislative Program. Auxiliaries are reporting the great work being done in your community with your congressman and lawmakers. Continue to contact via phone, text, emails and town hall meetings.

Continue to use the VFW website or MALTA for Priority Goals and ideas needed to help make sure you are on the same page as the VFW.

Auxiliary Presidents, have your legislative chairman give a report at each meeting regarding current Priority Legislation, how it affects our Veterans, Service Members and their Family members along with the status of the bills.

To follow the progress of a bill through the stages of legislative process visit
congress.gov where you may find a specific bill by its number or by a key word or phrase (link to search phrase “Veteran”). KEEP UP GREAT WORK.


Legislative October 2023

Denise Kindred EMAIL

As Legislative chairman I would like each Auxiliary member to be aware that this program is to help improve the lives of our Veterans, Service Members, and their families. Your efforts along with that of the VFW members can influence lawmakers. Make sure you continue to contact your legislators. Get out and talk with your congressmen, make phone calls, and send letters. Encourage your members to get out and vote. Assist your Veterans with transportation to the polls to vote, also those elderly in need of rides. 

Be sure to check the VFW website or MALTA under resources for current Priority Goals. 

1) Budget

2) Health Care

3) Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs

4) Education, Employment and Transition Assistance

5) Military Quality of Life

6) National Security, Foreign Affairs and POW/MIA

Please continue to use Resources available to you in MALTA

Legislative Bulletin-Sept 23

Denise Kindred (601) 466-1409

This year as legislative chairman I would like to work with each auxiliary on issues supporting our Veterans. We must promote bills that will help our Veterans and family members.

It is very important that our members understand the importance and impact
these bills will have on us. Let’s keep in touch with our Legislators and elected

Get out and vote, encourage others to do so.

Educate your members in the use of MALTA and the Resources available to them.

1) VFW Action Corps Weekly
2) VFW Auxiliary Guide to contacting your legislators
3) VFW Auxiliary Guide to the Legislative Process

Resources provides:
1) VFW Legislative Priorities
2) VFW Priority Goals
3) VFW Fact Sheet