Monthly Blog

Scholarship June 24

Beth Crow EMAIL

We’re at the year end for our Scholarship Program. I want to take the opportunity to thank all of you who have participated in the program. Thank you to all the people who helped and advised me in this first year as a program chairman. I hope that I have been of some service to you and your auxiliary.

I am looking forward to see how our entries for the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest and 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest do at National. Join me in wishing Edi-Ann and Adriane the best of luck. Both are talented artists and are heavy contenders for prizes at National. We had some awesome entries this year and I hope that we have even more in the coming year. Remember it is never too early to start promoting our scholarships.

Those entries not sent to National will be displayed at State Convention. If your auxiliary sponsored an artist please pick up their artwork before you leave.

Thanks again to everyone and I hope to see you all at State Convention this month.


Beth Crow, Scholarship Chairman 2023-2024

VFW Auxiliary, Dept of Mississippi

Scholarship May 2024

Beth Crow EMAIL

The Scholarship Program is winding down for the year. I’m proud to say we have an entry in both the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest and the 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest this year. It has been a very successful year for our Scholarship Program. I want to thank everyone for all the hard work and time you put into the program to make it a success.

Our entry for the Young American Creative Patriotic Art contest entitled, “Good Boy”, is drawn by Adriane Luke. Adriane is a sophomore at Newton County Academy and is sponsored by Auxiliary 12124.

Our entry for the 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest entitled,” Mamaw’s Memories”, is made by Edi-Ann Mitchell. Edi-Ann is a senior at Pillow Academy in Greenwood and is sponsored by Auxiliary 9832.

I wish both our contestants the best of luck at National. I think Mississippi might just be bringing home a winning entry. All of the art I received was exceptional and I’m proud of our Mississippi young people.

National will begin pushing out all the department winners on their Facebook page on June 3rd. Please take the time to look at the awesome artwork our youth has produced.

Those of you who sponsored artists that were not sent to National may pick up the art work at the convention this month.


Beth Crow, Scholarship Chairman

VFW Auxiliary, Dept of Mississippi

Veterans & Family Support April 2024

Becki Todd 901-262-8183 EMAIL monthly report form

“Soaring Above and Beyond for Our Veterans”

Greetings to All My Super Supporters!
Congratulations to everyone! All of your reports have been received and recorded. I want to thank each of you for the hard work and dedication you have shown this year with the care, love and support given to our veterans, their families and our active duty military members. We could not do this without YOU!

Even though the reporting year is over this does not mean that our support stops. Our veterans deserve everything we can do for them. Please continue to make visits and calls to check on our veterans and their families, taking meals, transportation to appointments and donating to service organizations such as Unmet Needs, Disaster Relief, Suicide Prevention and 5th Squad.

We CAN and DO make a difference! Keep up the great work!

“Banding Together for Our Veterans”

Scholarship April 2024

Beth Crow 662-552-9481 EMAIL monthly report form

downloadable scholarship forms

Hello everyone. I hope this finds you all well. We are finishing up the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest and 3-D Patriotic Art Contest. I hope that everyone got plenty of great entries. Your winning entry is due to me by April 15.

Please make sure each entry has the entry form, the Art Release Form, and the <200 word description of the process behind the Art Work.

If you are shipping your entry, please allow ample time for it to arrive by April 15. Make sure that you package the Art Work well for shipping. I suggest you use acid free packaging to avoid damaging the piece. Make sure you use something sturdy to back the piece when shipping so that it cannot be rolled or bent. Clearly mark the package as Art Work, Do Not Bend, Fragile, or whatever you feel necessary to insure the postman does not roll up the package and shove it in my mailbox. If you feel uncomfortable shipping the art work, give me a call and I will try to arrange a pick up.

I am looking forward to seeing all of the entries. I hope to have them judged and the winning piece on its way to national by April 25th. They are due at national by May 5. Hopefully, we will have a winner from Mississippi this year. If you are attending the National Convention please go by the Vendor Hall and take a look at all the national entries.

Hospital April 2024

Carol Fetters 228-596-5014 Email Monthly Report Form

This year’s National theme “Banding Together for our Veterans”, and the Department of Mississippi’s theme, “Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans” is the lifeblood of the Hospital Program. The volunteer efforts of our members and working together makes a huge difference in the lives of our hospitalized veterans.


As we continue through the months, our National Hospital Ambassador would still like for all volunteers to think outside the box in organizing “fun” for our veterans. Our veterans love celebrating traditional holidays, but so do all the organizations who support our veterans. Maybe they would also enjoy celebrating some non-traditional holidays. Some of these March holidays are:

April 9 – National Library Workers’ Day

April 12 – Grilled Cheese Day

April 15 – Tax Day

April 22 – Jellybean Day

April 26 – Pretzel Day

Auxiliaries were recently mentioned because they gave out watermelons and water pistols and wipes. These were very funny ideas that the veterans loved.

If your VA hospital or Nursing Home allows your auxiliary to visit the veterans on any of these days, think about doing and preparing some of these non-traditional holidays!

These non-traditional holidays are an excellent chance to show your veterans something different to celebrate. Make sure you take care of their caretakers also.

All report forms should be turned in by now. Hopefully your Auxiliary will get recognition for all the Hospital and Nursing Homework you have performed to honor our veterans!

Just because the report forms have ended for this year, please don’t forget about your veterans. They are still in the hospital or nursing home, and they still need your care! Continue to honor your veterans!

Historian April 2024

Aletta Butler (228) 334-2783 EMAIL monthly report form

send pictures to email questions email

 Hey all our Historians. 

We are gearing up to the end of Madam President Barbara Franklins leadership year. Keep sending your photos to Barbara’s photo frame. Find the picture in your phone that you would like to send her, click on share and then email to Barbara (this email does not accept text) 

Thank you for all of those that have used the online reporting system this year. All of your information is being tabulated and will be sent to Madam President for her end of the year report. All of your hard work and reporting will help Mississippi shine at National Convention, where we hope that Barbara is able to accept Mississippi’s award and be welcomed into the Circle of Excellence.

Last call for your interview videos. 

Buddy Poppy & National Home April 2025

Tanya Constant (360) 990-1508 Email monthly report form

We are winding up our year but we are never done, how about show some love to the National Home. If you are not currently a member let’s make a change. If you are already a member think about sponsoring another member.  During our last council of administration we passed around a hat to donate to the Mississippi house. The auxiliary raised $273, I put the challenge out to the VFW and not only did they accept the challenge they met the challenge and exceeded the challenge with a total of $641. When you are holding your district meetings this month why not put the challenge out to your members to donate to the Mississippi house. When you donate it not only helps keeping the house updated any construction needs or remodeling. Let’s make Mississippi proud.


Join the VFW National Home family! Become a Life Member or an Associate Life Member and create a lasting bond between yourself and the mission of the National Home.


VFW and VFW Auxiliary members and organizations are eligible to become Life Members. Life Members may vote for the trustees who represent their National Home District and approve any proposed changes to our bylaws and articles of incorporation. The National Home Board of Trustees approved the use of electronic voting beginning with the 2022 Trustee District election, therefore, Life Members must have a valid email and/or a mobile phone number on record in order to vote.

Auxiliary Outreach March 24

Deborah Turner (601) 506-9430 Email report form

What’s Not Considered Auxiliary Outreach

Auxiliary Outreach is for projects NOT AFFILIATED with VFW or VFW Auxiliary Programs. Volunteer work that is performed for the benefit of the Post or Auxiliary is NOT considered Outreach. Examples of projects that do not qualify include

· Repairs to, maintenance or beautification of the Post home.
· Cooking or serving a meal for a Post or Auxiliary fundraiser. “Buddy”® Poppy distribution.
· VFW or Auxiliary meetings, conventions, conferences or schools of instruction.
· Providing an honor guard at a member’s funeral.
· Flying the American Flag.
· Conducting Flag retirement programs.
· Church activities for one specific congregation and not the entire community (e.g., usher, elder, deacon, minister, etc.)

Important Auxiliary Additions to VFW Community Service:

1. Wear something that signifies you are a member of the VFW Auxiliary.
2. The project must be voted on during an Auxiliary meeting. (The VFW also requires this in another section of their instructions.)
3. If what you are doing is reportable under another Auxiliary Program, report it under that Program, not under Auxiliary Outreach.
4. Auxiliary work* (e.g., Outreach, Americanism, Veterans & Family Support, etc.) is to be reported to your local VFW Post Adjutant so it can be added to their report. This will help your Post with eligibility for the National Outstanding Community Service Post Award.
5. Auxiliary Outreach volunteer work need not be verified by the organization you are partnering with. (This is a VFW requirement only.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.: A few of the ways listed to participate in Auxiliary Outreach involve youth. Wouldn’t this be reported under the Auxiliary’s Youth Activities Program?

A.: It depends on the project. For example, if you are putting on a patriotic program at a school with your Auxiliary, that is reported under Americanism and/or Youth Activities. If your Auxiliary volunteers with the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts to teach them the Folds of the Flag, that is reported under Americanism and/or Youth Activities. If your Auxiliary partners at the Boys & Girls Club to tutor a group of kids, that is reported under Auxiliary Outreach.

Please continue to report the great things you are doing in your communities. Continue to let the light of your Auxiliary shine and make a difference.

Thanks for all you do. Don’t hesitate to contact me.

Veterans & Family Support March 24

Becki Todd 901-262-8183 EMAIL monthly report form

“Soaring Above and Beyond for Our Veterans”

Hello to all my Super Supporters!

Spring is almost here y’all so take a moment to smell those flowers that are already blooming! The end of the year is continuing to get closer and closer but I encourage you to keep up your great work with our veterans and their families.  There is always support to be given and shared.

Remember to also promote and support our VFW programs within Veterans and Family Support.  These include National Veterans Support (NVS), Military Assistance (MAPS), Unmet Needs, Disaster Relief and Veterans and Military Suicide Prevention/Mental Health Awareness.

These are all worthy programs to help our veterans and military.  Be sure to include one or more when you are holding a membership or buddy poppy drive.

Some dates to think about as your auxiliaries make plans of support for this month:

March 13 is K9 Veterans Day which was founded in 1942 during WWII
March 25 is National Medal of Honor Day which is the highest of military honors
March 29 is Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day which was not established until 2017. We still have some of these hero’s with us so let us definitely show them our love, support and appreciation that they didn’t get when they came home.

As always, I remind you to get your reports in to me.  I want to be able to recognize you for your hard work and dedication to our veterans.  I will take your information however it is easiest for you to share, by email, text, send a pic, snail mail or just call me, I would love to talk to you.  I am always available to help you.  I am deeply grateful for each of you and for the love and support you continue to show our veterans.  Keep up the awesome work!

“Banding Together for Our Veterans”