Monthly Blog

Buddy Poppy Sept 24

Joan Carlson  662-589-0172  email

Octobers  C of A ::displays will be Public Promotion: Displays must be designed for public exposure and must bear a message soliciting donation for and wearing the VFW Buddy Poppy

January Mid Winters displays will be anything made from the metal poppies.

March C of A displays will be memorial or inspirational. Wreaths ,patriotic or devotional themes. Displays must be designed to honor the dead.

June C of A  Artistic or Decorative Use of Poppies. Think out of the box. Be creative!

Displays must be accompanied by a 4×6 ,on which is an explanation of the theme. Post name and number.

Scholarship Sept 24

Lanell Thornton (662)549-2856 email

Ahoy there, Maties!

Welcome aboard the VFWA “Scholar” Ship!

It’s time to spread the “Scholar” Ship news! Get out there and let your auxiliary members know about the scholarships that are available to our family members, as well as community members.

Remember the Continuing Education “Scholar” Ship is available to auxiliary members who have been in the auxiliary for at least one year and their immediate family members (spouse, children). [Check out MALTA for more information, as well as the application.]

Let’s not forget those Patriotic Art Contests! Check in with area schools, your children, their friends, local youth groups, and spread the word about these contests that give our young people an opportunity to artistically express their patriotic ideas. [These applications are also available on MALTA.]

And, as always, let’s remember the Voice of Democracy Audio Essay Contest and Patriot’s Pen essay contests. Talk to your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighborhood kids, church youth. Tell them of the amazing opportunities available to express their patriotic beliefs. [Any idea where you can find these? You guessed it! Check MALTA and]

Questions: Contact me

Legislative Sept 24

Rebecca Todd 901-262-8183 email

Hello my fellow compatriots!
Everyone says they are signed up for VFW Action Corps newletters so now I want you to show me.  Call or text me the date of the last Action Alert that went out and what is the legislation that it was asking for your support on? A surprise to the first one that gets it right!
Keep fighting for our veterans!

Chief of Staff Sept 24

Sharon Wade 662-207-1475 email

We are now entering our third month of Department President Tanya Constant’s year. We have had the VFW/VFWA National Convention and also our first Council of Administration meeting, during both we learned many new ideas to take back to our Auxiliaries to help us have an outstanding year again.

I look forward to working with all auxiliaries that need help and guidance in completing all forms and programs during the year. Please let me know if your auxiliary needs assistance in any way. My email address and phone number are listed above. 

At this time we have approximately 6 Posts asking us to start a new auxiliary at their post. Remember you need 15 new members to start a new auxiliary, then others can be added. First the Post has to have a meeting and have a majority vote to have an auxiliary for their Post. After that is when your Chief of Staff, along with other Auxiliary Officers/Members start working to get the Auxiliary up and running. It is not an overnight process but very rewarding when completed for the Post and the Department of Mississippi Auxiliary.

This month we will be celebrating National President Brenda Bryants’ Celebrating America’s Freedom Event September 6-8, 2024, at the National Home in Eaton Rapids, MI. Several of us will be going but we will be able to be gotten in touch with by phone or email.



Membership Sept 24

Barbara Franklin 601-620-8889 email

Recruit 5 new/rejoin members by December 31st – will receive a magnetic US flag pin from VFW store and entered into a drawing to win a $15 VFW Store gift certificate.

Recruit 10 new/rejoin members by December 31st – will receive a magnetic US flag pin from VFW store and entered into a drawing to win $25 cash.

Recruit 25 or more new/rejoin members by December 31st –will receive a recognition keepsake and entered into a drawing to win $50 cash.

Every member that converts from Annual to Life member by December 31st – will receive a Life member pin from VFW store and will be entered into a drawing for $75 cash.

Every Auxiliary to reach 100% by December 31st – will receive $25 cash and a 100% ribbon (for display).

Now, Who’s up for the challenge?

“Prepare Your Ask”

Scan the QR code. Behind this QR code will be things like the Fact Sheet, Membership Application, What We Do, Auxiliary Locator and anything else we might need in our “Recruiting Tool Kit”.

Americanism Sept 24

Dawn Lawson 601-274-6407 email

Congress declared, in 1894, Labor Day to be the first Monday in September. This Federal Holiday is to Honor all workers for their contributions to the well being of our Country.

I am asking that all Veterans and Civilians honor this day by greeting others with Respect and thoughtfulness for each and everyone’s contribution. Every time you see someone during the month of September greet them and wish them well.
Any contribution, great or small, is imperative to keeping our Nation thriving!

Historian Sept 24

Be The When of The Five “W’

When in dictionary terms is
adverb: when
at what time.
“When did you last see him?”
how soon.
“When can I see you?”
in what circumstances.
“when would such a rule be justifiable?”
adverb: when
at or on which (referring to a time or circumstance).
“Saturday is the day when I get my hair done”
conjunction: when
1. at or during the time that.
“I loved math when I was in school”
“call me when you’re finished”
at any time that; whenever.
“can you spare five minutes when it’s convenient?” 

2. after which; and just then (implying suddenness).
“he had just drifted off to sleep when the phone rang”

3. in view of the fact that; considering that.

“why bother to paint it when you can photograph it with the same effect?”

4. although; whereas.

“I’m saying it now when I should have told you long ago”

All are correct but my when is when we work together as a community as one
both VFW and VFW Auxiliaries coming together as one
fun things,patriotic things outings,meetings, being together in times are bad and good

So be the “When” of the five W’s that we know we can be

Youth Sept 24

Beth Crow 662-522-9481 email

Fall is fast approaching and school is back in full swing. I hope that all of you are working on your Patriotism through Literacy project. It’s wonderful to be able to interact in the schools but don’t forget public libraries, daycare centers, and church youth groups. Fall festival time is here so why not set up a booth for your Auxiliary and schedule times to read patriotic books to the children attending. You could actually work several of our programs through that one booth. You might even gain some new members.

It is time to start promoting our Illustrating America Program. Begin making your contacts at your local schools. I would suggest contacting the art teacher directly. Most schools have a website where they post information for parents. Why not send a press release to be placed on the website. A fillable press release can be found in MALTA.

The coloring sheets for the Department Coloring Contest are now on and your District President should have a copy for you. I’ve created an instruction sheet to go with them so that teachers and youth leaders have an idea of the intent of the contest. Those should be posted to the website shortly or you can contact me for a copy.

If you have any questions about any of the Youth Activities please contact me. Let’s have a great year!

Auxiliary Outreach Sept 24

Michele Brinson 901-734-8160 email

I am so sorry that I was not able to be with all of you in Gulfport at the School of Instruction (SOI)/Council of Administration (COA) in August, but look forward to seeing everyone in October. From Our Roots to Our Branches, Extending Service To Our Veterans, and to their families, our communities, and to organizations within our communities.

Steps to a Successful Auxiliary Outreach Project:

  • Vote and approve a motion to provide assistance and partner with other organizations in your community in your meeting and record that approval in your meeting minutes. Approval should occur prior to the outreach activity except on rare occasions such as a natural disaster or emergency. You can do this where it covers all activities/ partnerships for the entire year or prior to each activity/partnership as they occur.
  • Partner with organizations that could use assistance.
  • At least one Auxiliary member must participate in order to be counted as auxiliary outreach, and projects may be done by only the Auxiliary or together with the VFW Post.
  • Wear VFW Auxiliary attire while participating (shirt, hat, name badge, lanyard, etc.).
  • Take pictures of all the amazing things you are doing in your communities and share with other auxiliaries, your Department Historian, National Headquarters, and with me.
  • Count all volunteer hours (but not monetary donations).
  • Share information about the VFW Auxiliary; i.e., what we do, why we do it, how someone can become a member, etc.

  • What’s Considered Auxiliary Outreach:
  • Projects not affiliated with the VFW or VFW Auxiliary.
  • Donations of goods have now been approved by National.
  • Participate in walks that benefit other organizations such as an event spotter, water station volunteer, timekeeper, etc. (Note: This does not include walking in the event or sponsoring someone who walks in the event).
  • Partner with law enforcement personnel on child ID kits, bicycle safety training, collecting stuffed animals for situations involving children, etc.
  • Partner with firefighters on fire safety and prevention.
  • Partner with EMTs to host CPR training.
  • Partner with Senior Citizens Centers by teaching a basic computer class, playing bingo, doing arts and crafts or other activities, etc.
  • Partner with parks and recreation departments or garden clubs to adopt a park, plant trees, perform general clean up; etc.
  • Partner with animal shelters by volunteering to help clean kennels, walk animals, collect bedding, cleaning supplies, dog/cat food, leashes, etc.
  • Partner with homeless shelters by serving food, bussing tables, cleaning up, etc.
  • Partner with food pantries/banks or Meals on Wheels to stock shelves, pack food boxes, serve food, pass out food boxes, deliver meals, etc.
  • Partner with the Red Cross or other groups at their blood drives.
  • Partner with organizations that provide clothing, household goods, furniture, appliances, bedding, etc., by sorting items, passing out items, collecting needed items, etc.; such as House of Grace, Hope Ministries, Sacred Heart, etc.
  • Partner with organizations that provide medical equipment; i.e., wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, etc., by collecting needed items.
  • Partner with a church hosting a community-wide event Easter egg hunt, trunk or treat, breakfast with Santa; Vacation Bible School, etc.

  • Auxiliary Outreach Program Award:
    Most outstanding photo collage created by the VFW Auxiliary of their auxiliary Outreach partnerships during the current Program Year. Citation and $25 to one VFW Auxiliary in each of the 10 Program Divisions that creates the most outstanding photo collage of their VFW Auxiliary partnerships during the current Program Year.

  • Last, but not least, thank you to Auxiliaries 3253, 4934, 5397, 6731, 7531, 9832, and 12124 for all that you are doing to extend your service and for reporting your activities. I look forward to seeing more reports from all of you.

Hospital Sept 24

Betty Ashmus 228-990-6969 email

What type of personality are YOU? Outgoing, Witty, Flower Child, Social Butterfly, Creative, Dull, Interesting, Not-so interesting, Wild, A loner, Direct, Indirect, Outspoken, (I wonder who that could be) Quite, maybe not-so quite. The list goes on …….. HOWEVER, what ever type of personality you may be, WE can use you and your unique personality in the Hospital program.

Is there a Nursing home near you? Is there an assisted living facility near you? Is there a Veterans Home or hospital near you? Personalities of all types can do SOMETHING for our shut-ins. If you can’t visit or spend any time with our hospital folks, you can do something constructive at your house or friends homes to make our veterans and shut-ins a bit more pleasant or comfortable. You think, like what? How about making a small ‘happy’ or write some ‘cards’ or a big ‘happy’? A small gesture of your appreciation could be received with a smile or such happiness you can’t imagine.

Some of our veterans have NO family and the only people they see daily are the nursing staff or doctors. These individuals are there for the veterans needs and are dedicated to helping them in a lot of ways, but how about someone who comes in with a big smile on their face and sits with them and ask about their day or their family, how they’re doing or just sitting with them while they remanise about their lives and dreams.

The rewards are not tokens or something tangible but the feeling you get that warms you to the core. I’m most of those personalities at one time or another and use all of them while working with our veterans and feel that you too can bring something to the table for our veterans.

The list is endless and you and your friends that can’t make it to a facility could get together and create something that could be useful to donate to one of the homes and put a smile on a patient’s face and make their day brighter. Think about it and maybe come up with things to do for our true heroes, you may help someone you will never meet but may change their lives for a short time.

If you can’t thing of anything, give me a call and maybe I can help.