Scholarship Sept 24

Lanell Thornton (662)549-2856 email

Ahoy there, Maties!

Welcome aboard the VFWA “Scholar” Ship!

It’s time to spread the “Scholar” Ship news! Get out there and let your auxiliary members know about the scholarships that are available to our family members, as well as community members.

Remember the Continuing Education “Scholar” Ship is available to auxiliary members who have been in the auxiliary for at least one year and their immediate family members (spouse, children). [Check out MALTA for more information, as well as the application.]

Let’s not forget those Patriotic Art Contests! Check in with area schools, your children, their friends, local youth groups, and spread the word about these contests that give our young people an opportunity to artistically express their patriotic ideas. [These applications are also available on MALTA.]

And, as always, let’s remember the Voice of Democracy Audio Essay Contest and Patriot’s Pen essay contests. Talk to your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighborhood kids, church youth. Tell them of the amazing opportunities available to express their patriotic beliefs. [Any idea where you can find these? You guessed it! Check MALTA and]

Questions: Contact me

Scholarships August 24

Lanell Thornton (662)549-2856 email

Our new year has begun! There are so many exciting changes this year regarding scholarships, especially the Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen Essay Scholarships. As your Scholarship Chairman for 2024-2025, it is an honor and a privilege to work closely with our auxiliaries and posts to help fund education, not only for our members and their families, but also deserving area students.

Each month I will recognize a scholarship and offer more information regarding the scholarship, as well as ways to bring the scholarship to the attention of the auxiliaries and area communities.

Here are the scholarships offered through the VFW Auxiliary.

1) Continuing Education Scholarship

2) Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest

3) 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest

In addition to the Auxiliary scholarships, we also work with the VFW to promote the Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy Essay Contests. These contests are open to students from public, private, and parochial schools, as well as online and home study schools.

4) VFW Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy

New changes for the Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy Essay Contests include online submission and online judging. To learn more about these scholarships, visit the VFW page at, Community, Youth and Education.

(VFW members will get Scholar App training at the August 24 SOI)

Scholarship June 24

Beth Crow EMAIL

We’re at the year end for our Scholarship Program. I want to take the opportunity to thank all of you who have participated in the program. Thank you to all the people who helped and advised me in this first year as a program chairman. I hope that I have been of some service to you and your auxiliary.

I am looking forward to see how our entries for the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest and 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest do at National. Join me in wishing Edi-Ann and Adriane the best of luck. Both are talented artists and are heavy contenders for prizes at National. We had some awesome entries this year and I hope that we have even more in the coming year. Remember it is never too early to start promoting our scholarships.

Those entries not sent to National will be displayed at State Convention. If your auxiliary sponsored an artist please pick up their artwork before you leave.

Thanks again to everyone and I hope to see you all at State Convention this month.


Beth Crow, Scholarship Chairman 2023-2024

VFW Auxiliary, Dept of Mississippi

Scholarship May 2024

Beth Crow EMAIL

The Scholarship Program is winding down for the year. I’m proud to say we have an entry in both the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest and the 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest this year. It has been a very successful year for our Scholarship Program. I want to thank everyone for all the hard work and time you put into the program to make it a success.

Our entry for the Young American Creative Patriotic Art contest entitled, “Good Boy”, is drawn by Adriane Luke. Adriane is a sophomore at Newton County Academy and is sponsored by Auxiliary 12124.

Our entry for the 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest entitled,” Mamaw’s Memories”, is made by Edi-Ann Mitchell. Edi-Ann is a senior at Pillow Academy in Greenwood and is sponsored by Auxiliary 9832.

I wish both our contestants the best of luck at National. I think Mississippi might just be bringing home a winning entry. All of the art I received was exceptional and I’m proud of our Mississippi young people.

National will begin pushing out all the department winners on their Facebook page on June 3rd. Please take the time to look at the awesome artwork our youth has produced.

Those of you who sponsored artists that were not sent to National may pick up the art work at the convention this month.


Beth Crow, Scholarship Chairman

VFW Auxiliary, Dept of Mississippi

Scholarship April 2024

Beth Crow 662-552-9481 EMAIL monthly report form

downloadable scholarship forms

Hello everyone. I hope this finds you all well. We are finishing up the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest and 3-D Patriotic Art Contest. I hope that everyone got plenty of great entries. Your winning entry is due to me by April 15.

Please make sure each entry has the entry form, the Art Release Form, and the <200 word description of the process behind the Art Work.

If you are shipping your entry, please allow ample time for it to arrive by April 15. Make sure that you package the Art Work well for shipping. I suggest you use acid free packaging to avoid damaging the piece. Make sure you use something sturdy to back the piece when shipping so that it cannot be rolled or bent. Clearly mark the package as Art Work, Do Not Bend, Fragile, or whatever you feel necessary to insure the postman does not roll up the package and shove it in my mailbox. If you feel uncomfortable shipping the art work, give me a call and I will try to arrange a pick up.

I am looking forward to seeing all of the entries. I hope to have them judged and the winning piece on its way to national by April 25th. They are due at national by May 5. Hopefully, we will have a winner from Mississippi this year. If you are attending the National Convention please go by the Vendor Hall and take a look at all the national entries.

Scholarship Mar 24

Beth Crow, Auxiliary 662-552-9481 EMAIL monthly report form

downloadable scholarship forms

Spring is in the air! I am so happy to see warmer weather. I’m looking forward to seeing you all at our March Council of Admin.

It’s time to make the push to the March 31 deadline for the Young American Patriotic Art Contest and 3D Patriotic Art Contest. Make sure you have contacted all of your area schools and provided information to them about the contests, if you haven’t already. Follow up with those organizations that you have contacted and remind them the deadline is approaching. Finally, make sure your submissions get to the Department on time. The deadline for submitting to the Department is April 15. I have to submit the Department winner to National by May 5. These are all tight deadlines please act in a timely manner. Remember this is not just a submission of a name. An actual piece of art will be mailed, so take into account the delivery time. Please take care in packing the submission if you are sending it by USPS, UPS, or any commercial delivery company. If you are mailing USPS, I live on a rural route. Please take care to mark the package DO NOT BEND, FRAGILE, and place it in a sturdy container so that it doesn’t end up stuffed willy nilly in my mailbox. If you feel uncomfortable mailing your entry, I’ll try to arrange a pickup but I would ask that you coordinate with neighboring auxiliaries and districts so that I could pick up several entries at a time.

Last but not least, remember to get your reports in. I still have auxiliaries that haven’t submitted a report. The time is fast approaching for the end of year report. I will have printed copies of the Scholarship report to hand out at March Council of Admin. I expect you all to get at least one report in by March 31.

Have a good Easter and enjoy the warmer weather.

Scholarship February 24

Beth Crow 662-552-9481 EMAIL monthly report form

downloadable scholarship forms

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I hope everyone survived the deep freeze of January without mishap. I’m looking forward to Spring. Just a few reminders for the coming months.

First, the applications for the Continuing Education Scholarship are due to National by Feb. 15. The application is available in Malta under the scholarships tab. There are questions to be answered on a separate sheet plus a no more than 300 word essay that describes your commitment that have to accompany the application. Members and their family members who are 21 and over may apply. The member must be 1 year in good standing.

Second, the deadline for the Young American Patriotic Art Contest and the 3-D Young American Patriotic Art Contest is fast approaching. All entries must be submitted to the auxiliaries by March 31. Please check in with your local schools and youth organizations to remind them of the contests.

Lastly, please submit your reports every month. There are Auxiliaries out there that have not submitted a report yet. Please do not wait until the last minute to get those reports submitted. You can submit them electronically at, by email, by text, or even snail mail. If you haven’t submitted a report by our next School of Instruction in March, I will be contacting you. There are many things that can be counted as promoting our scholarship programs, i.e. talking about them at meetings, sharing information with people outside the auxiliary, helping the VFW with Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy, even sharing posts on social media. Those are just a few. I know that most of you have done at least one thing that promotes our Scholarship Program this year, so please submit a report.

Thank you to those Auxiliaries that have already submitted reports. I know that the rest of you are going to send me a report soon. Have a great Valentines Day and I will see you in March.

Scholarship Jan 24

Beth Crow, Auxiliary 662-552-9481 EMAIL monthly report form

downloadable scholarship forms

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope that everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season and is ready to get back to work. The next few months are going to be very busy.

Please make sure you are submitting your scholarship reports monthly. You can submit them online at, send them by email or text, or even send them by snail mail. Please just get them in so that they can be counted.

Please remind your members at your January meeting that the applications for the Continuing Education Scholarship are due Feb 15. The application and short essay must be at National Headquarters by that date.

This is the time to really ramp up your promotion of the Young American Patriotic Art Contest and the 3-D Patriotic Art Contest. If you sent information to schools and youth organizations, please take time to call or email to remind them of the deadline, March 31. There are press releases in MALTA that can be placed in your local papers that give details about the contests. Make use of all the tools available to you through MALTA. March 31 will be here before you know it.

I hope that you are planning some sort of recognition for your Post and Auxiliary Scholarship winners. I know many of you have your winners present their projects at a VFW event, but also consider presenting their award during the Awards Day ceremony at their school so that their peers can appreciate their accomplishment too. It’s a very good way to promote our scholarships and develop relationships with school personnel that would be willing to help with the programs next year.

With the new year, let’s reaffirm our commitment as VFW Auxiliary Members and really work to promote these scholarships. Our youth is our future and without them we cannot continue as an organization.

Scholarships Nov 23

Beth Crow Email 662-552-9481

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope that you all are in full swing with your Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen submissions. Remember that Post Judging must be completed by Nov 15. 

Our next scholarship deadline is for the Continuing Education Scholarship. Submissions must be received at National Headquarters by Feb. 15. A 300 or less word essay must accompany the application

We should be actively promoting our Young American Creative Patriotic Art and 3-D Patriotic Art Contests in our schools. Please make sure you have contacted your local art teachers or the school counselors and supplied them with information and flyers. I keep a few of the flyers in my car or purse to give out to young people who I think display artistic talent. I carry brochures to any event and distribute them. You can order up to 50 brochures from National at no charge. 

Fall is the time of year for festivals, farmer’s markets, and celebrations, take advantage of that and distribute flyers at these events. 

Please remember to submit your reports monthly. I only have about a dozen auxiliaries who have submitted reports. I know there are more of you out there. Get those reports in!

Have a great Thanksgiving and I will see you all at Mid-Winter in January!

Scholarship October 2023

Beth Crow Phone 662-552-9481 Email

Happy Fall everyone! I know we’re all looking forward to the cooler weather. I hope that you all have your Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen programs in full swing. Remember that all entries have to be submitted to the Post by midnight Oct. 31. Post judging should be complete and entries submitted to the Department by Nov. 15. Consider planning an event to recognize those youths participating in the contest.

Our next scholarship event coming up is the Continuing Education Scholarship. A $1250.00 scholarship is awarded to one member in each of the four conferences. The scholarship is available to Auxiliary Members, their spouses and children. Qualifying members must have been members for one year by the application submission date. Applicants must be in financial need to continue/return to college or vocational/technical/trade schools. The applicant must be 21 years of age by the submission date of Feb. 15, 2024. Applications and information can be found in MALTA under the Scholarship tab.

Also be mindful of promoting the Young American Creative Art Contest, and the 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest. March is just around the corner. Please make contact with your local schools and get their art teachers involved with promoting the contests. There are some very good tools in MALTA to aid in promoting these, as well as, our other contests. Particularly, there is a fillable press release for all of our scholarships and contests that I recommend sending to your local newspapers.

Did you know that you can donate directly to our scholarship programs through MALTA. Under Duties, hit the GIVE button to make a direct donation to the scholarship program of your choice.

Have a great Fall and don’t forget to report, report, report!