Beth Crow, Auxiliary 662-552-9481 EMAIL monthly report form
downloadable scholarship forms
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope that everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season and is ready to get back to work. The next few months are going to be very busy.
Please make sure you are submitting your scholarship reports monthly. You can submit them online at, send them by email or text, or even send them by snail mail. Please just get them in so that they can be counted.
Please remind your members at your January meeting that the applications for the Continuing Education Scholarship are due Feb 15. The application and short essay must be at National Headquarters by that date.
This is the time to really ramp up your promotion of the Young American Patriotic Art Contest and the 3-D Patriotic Art Contest. If you sent information to schools and youth organizations, please take time to call or email to remind them of the deadline, March 31. There are press releases in MALTA that can be placed in your local papers that give details about the contests. Make use of all the tools available to you through MALTA. March 31 will be here before you know it.
I hope that you are planning some sort of recognition for your Post and Auxiliary Scholarship winners. I know many of you have your winners present their projects at a VFW event, but also consider presenting their award during the Awards Day ceremony at their school so that their peers can appreciate their accomplishment too. It’s a very good way to promote our scholarships and develop relationships with school personnel that would be willing to help with the programs next year.
With the new year, let’s reaffirm our commitment as VFW Auxiliary Members and really work to promote these scholarships. Our youth is our future and without them we cannot continue as an organization.