Betty Doucet 228-990-6969 EMAIL monthly report form
Coloring Sheets K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th ALL
Ho Ho Ho and I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a healthy one. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! and may this year be a very healthy one to all.
Well, what can one say this year that we all haven’t heard a hundred times? How are our kids and what are we doing to instill patriotism and love of country?
Well, were there any parties that we hosted for them and promoted Americanism, brotherhood, what does America mean to me, why I’m proud to be an American and thankful to be from America? I don’t think so but I hope I’ve given you ‘food’ for thought. During January and February would be a great time to do this because of one of the greatest leaders of our times was born on January 15th, Martin Luther King Jr. and Presidents Day is February 19th. I know that some of you will visit the schools in your community and host events that will commemorate these wonder leaders of our country.
There are a few items at the VFW store to help you make a splash with the children and there are numerous ways to celebrate the day, and you can also distribute the Department coloring contest pages while you’re there. For those who don’t have them, they can be found on the ‘Youth’ section of the reports forms. We’ll announce a deadline at the Mid-Winter conference in January.
Please remember, I accept reports on any type of paper and any way you send them, Department forms, web page, emails, snail mail and carrier pigeon to name a few. You can also message me at 228-990-6969.
For those of you that are working with our future leaders, hats off to you and keep up the good work, I know it will pay off in time.
Until next time, be safe and carry membership applications at all times, you never know when you might meet someone to recruit.
Betty Doucet Ashmus