Youth Feb 25

Beth Crow 662-522-9481 email

Happy Valentines Day to everyone. The Youth Program is moving right along. Did you know that Valentines Week is also National Salute to Veteran Patients Week? Get your schools and youth groups involved in making Valentines for our veterans that are hospitalized or confined to a nursing home. The veterans would love a handmade valentine from one of the kids.

As promised, the winners of our coloring contest were announced at Mid-Winter Conference. The winner of the K-2nd grade group is Derrick, from Johnson Elementary School in Jackson. Derrick is sponsored by Brooks W. Stewart Auxiliary Post 9832. The winner of the 3rd-5th grade group is Kaylee, from Hawking Elementary in Hattisburg. Kaylee is sponsored by Saint James Wright Auxiliary Post 5397. They were each awarded an Art Set and $10.00 to spend as they wish.

I hope all of you have your Illustrating America Contest underway and are keeping in contact with your schools and youth groups about the deadlines. The deadline for the art to be turned into the Auxiliaries is March 31. The Auxiliary winners must be sent to Department by April 15.


Make sure you print new forms as there are changes to the rules.

The SWAP this month is from Brooks W. Stewart Auxiliary Post 9832 in Jackson. This is the second year that the Auxiliary and Post are jointly sponsoring the Heart Over the Hammer Event. This event targets teens and young adults, providing them with tools and resources to cope with the challenges of today’s society. The event offers health screenings, mental health counseling, career counseling, and much more. The goal is to provide our youth outlets and solutions before they encounter difficulties, by creating a meaningful exchange of thoughts and ideas between the generations. Heart Over the Hammer is scheduled for March 8, 2025, 10:00am-2:00pm at Brooks W. Stewart VFW Post 9832.

I love sharing SWAPS with you. Please email me details about your youth events so I can share them with Auxiliaries across the state. My email is . Thanks for all of your hard work.

Youth Jan 25

Beth Crow 662-522-9481 email

Happy New Year. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that the New Year brings you many blessings. It is time to really crank up our efforts promoting the Illustrating America Contest. All of your promotional materials, rules, and applications can be found in MALTA under Member Resources Youth Program. Please print out new applications as there have been changes to the rules this year. The student’s name, age, and grade level must be printed on the back of the entry and mats are no longer required to be white. March 31 will be here before you know it.

This month’s SWAP is from St. James Wright, VFW Auxiliary 5397. The VFW and Auxiliary jointly hosted a tea entitled Cupcakes and Conversation. The members met with a troop of 16 Girl Scouts. The subject was career goals and educational requirements for different career paths. This is a great example of mentorship for our young people. I’m sure a lot of knowledge was shared and both the adults and the young people benefited from the experience.

Don’t forget the deadline to apply for the Youth Activities National Program Award is March 31. The form can be found under Youth Activities in MALTA.

Please keep emailing your Youth Activities so that I can feature them in our monthly newsletter. My email is . Thank you!

Youth Activities Dec 24

Beth Crow 662-522-9481 email

Merry Christmas, everyone! I can’t believe that 2024 is almost over. I know that you all have had some wonderful youth activities at your post or in the community. I need a favor from you all. Please send some pictures of your youth activities to me. I would love to create a collage of all the great things Mississippi is doing with its young people. You can email them to me at email.

I’ll share SWAP with you from District 6 Auxiliary. For Veterans Day, they did a program at the Attala Co. Library. District Commander Grayce Powell was their guest. A patriotic book was read and they taught the children how to salute and pledge the flag. There are plans for additional programs at the library in the future.

I’m getting lots of reports from different auxiliaries. However, there really isn’t room on the report form to expound on the details of your events. So, if you would, please send me an email about your youth events. I would love to feature a SWAP in each newsletter. And don’t forget you can submit your reading programs for the national citation.

Youth Nov 24

Beth Crow 662-522-9481 email

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I can’t believe it’s November already. The year has just flown. I want to remind you that your Coloring Contest entries are due at the Auxiliary level on Oct 31. Please judge them at the Auxiliary level and send your winners to me by December 1st. I will get them judged and present prizes at Mid-Winter Convention in January. 

November is full of holidays that present opportunities for us to interact with our young people. These are just a few. If you Google you can find many more.

National Author’s Day is Nov. 1. Why not share a favorite childhood author with a group of children.

Nov. 7 is National Hug a Bear Day. Invite children to bring their Teddy and have a Teddy Bear Tea Party with Hot Cocoa and Cookies.

Veterans Day is Nov 11. There are many opportunities to incorporate young people in our Veterans Day Celebrations. It is a time to teach our young people what being a veteran means and is always appreciated by our Veterans.

Thanksgiving is Nov. 28. There are so many opportunities to incorporate Thanksgiving into our Youth Program. Crafts for the younger children. Organize a food drive and let the older children help pack food boxes for the needy or homeless. The possibilities are limitless.

Please make sure you are contacting your schools, church groups, and children’s organizations about our Illustrating America Contest. March will be here before you know it. And don’t forget about our Reading in the Classroom Program. As always, please make sure you report any youth program activity on our report form at

Thank you for all that you do.

Youth October 2024

Beth Crow 662-522-9481 email

Happy Fall everyone.

I’m so happy to see the cooler temperatures. Fall presents lots of opportunities to interact with our young people. Football games, fall festivals, and pumpkin patches are just a few.

Here’s an idea, work with one of your local pumpkin patches to teach flag etiquette or distribute Pledge of Allegiance cards one weekend. That is a great opportunity to reach a lot of children at one time. You could incorporate our Patriotism through Literacy program into that as well by providing a story time for the children. You could even dress up as a historical character, Betsy Ross telling the story of the flag would be awesome. Don’t forget to hand out your Illustrating America Applications either. I hope you take advantage of these opportunities and have some fun while doing it.

I want to remind everyone about our R.A.P card, Random Acts of Patriotism. It’s very import to reinforce behaviors in children so please print a few of these out from MALTA and keep them with you. Just the act of acknowledging and praising a child for being patriotic makes a lasting impression. 

Don’t forget about the Patriotic Youth Award and Youth Groups Supporting Veterans Citation either.

Remember the coloring contest entries are due to the auxiliaries by Oct. 31. Please choose a winner for each grade category and forward that one to me. We will choose the Department Winner at Mid-Winter Conference. 

I hope to see you all at Oct COA

Youth Sept 24

Beth Crow 662-522-9481 email

Fall is fast approaching and school is back in full swing. I hope that all of you are working on your Patriotism through Literacy project. It’s wonderful to be able to interact in the schools but don’t forget public libraries, daycare centers, and church youth groups. Fall festival time is here so why not set up a booth for your Auxiliary and schedule times to read patriotic books to the children attending. You could actually work several of our programs through that one booth. You might even gain some new members.

It is time to start promoting our Illustrating America Program. Begin making your contacts at your local schools. I would suggest contacting the art teacher directly. Most schools have a website where they post information for parents. Why not send a press release to be placed on the website. A fillable press release can be found in MALTA.

The coloring sheets for the Department Coloring Contest are now on and your District President should have a copy for you. I’ve created an instruction sheet to go with them so that teachers and youth leaders have an idea of the intent of the contest. Those should be posted to the website shortly or you can contact me for a copy.

If you have any questions about any of the Youth Activities please contact me. Let’s have a great year!

Youth August 24

Beth Crow 662-522-9481 email

It’s Back-to-School time and we are ready to get a great start to our year. I want to challenge each of our Auxiliaries to start a veterans reading in the classroom program. This supports our Patriotism through Literacy Program. Young people are the future of our organization so it is important to establish a good rapport with them. Establishing a relationship at an early age and instilling our values is crucial. There is a list of books in MALTA under the Youth Program tab at Patriotism Through Literacy Suggested Books 2022 (2).pdf. or download here Work with your VFW Youth Program Chair in a joint project to have the Veterans read once a month at your local elementary schools or library. Choose one of these books to donate as part of the program. It’s a win/win for everyone involved.

There is lots of news coming concerning reporting so please take the time to read your emails. I’m looking forward to a productive year. If any of you have questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact me. Let’s have a great year working with our young people.

Youth March 24

March has some little known or publicized holidays in it, one being National Anthem Day, March 3rd, and National K9 Veterans Day on March 13th. Could you consider having a celebration day at your local school for either of these, I’m sure the kids would love it and planning either would get your creative juices in overdrive. A very well known holiday is St. Patrick’s Day, a fun time to spend with children, looking for four leaf clovers and a great time to teach them how the Irish played a part in founding this great country.

(Sing along) Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail, hoppin’ down the bunny trail, hippidy hoppidy Easter’s on it’s way. We’re right around the corner to finishing the report year, at the end of this month, and I want to be sure ALL of you have been collecting the ‘eggs’ in the basket to turn in, (in case you haven’t already). This month is a very special month because of EASTER, my favorite holiday because the Lord has risen. It is also the time we can do a lot with our youth. Some ideas for your Easter egg hunts would be to fill some of those plastic eggs with tiny little American flags, or red, white and blue candies, or have a Patriotic Easter bunny as a grand prize for winners for the hunt. I know some of you have great ideas for the Easter theme.

Did anyone visit the schools for Presidents’ Day? Has anyone donated their time reading books from the library? Some really good reports have been coming in about work being done at the schools. And you don’t have to go to the schools to work with the youth, you can join them in the scouts or boy and girls club events. Some volunteer their time coaching baseball, football, soccer and even swimming.

These are the times when the children watch us and some ‘hang’ on every word we say and this is a time we can instill in them the love of country, patriotism and American values. Believe it or not, they are listening. We are setting the example so let’s please set a good one.

Hats off to all who have made this a great program to work with. May all the youth you have encountered leave with great memories of what they will take with them in their future. Signing off for now, Betty

Youth Feb 24

Betty Doucet 228-990-6969 EMAIL monthly report form

Coloring Sheets   1st   2nd    3rd    4th    5th    6th    ALL

Hope all had a Healthy, happy and safe New Year. The really big holidays are here and gone BUT we have some pretty good ones coming up that will benefit our children and adults as well.

February is Black History Month and also American Heart Month. Some of the holidays include; Valentine’s Day February 14th, which is also Ash Wednesday, and Presidents Day February 19th. There are also several ‘observations’ that I thought were cute but could be fun to celebrate with the students at your local schools, they include; National Tater Tot Day and Bubblegum Day both on the 2nd. On February 4th the USO is recognized, February 8th is National Boy Scouts Day, then National Pizza Day on the 9th. Adding to the list is Armed Forces Day on the 11th, Random Acts of Kindness Day on the 17th and on the 26th is Letters to the Elder Day. These days and many that were NOT mentioned were all compliments of the World Wide Web but I thought they were interesting enough to bring up in case y’all didn’t have reason to visit your schools and give me a report on your activities.

The report year is closing in on us and the school year is more than half over. Have we had something to report with our children? If not get a group of kids and visit a nursing home in your area and distribute Valentine cards. They don’t have to be store bought, you and the kids can go visit with coloring paper and colors or pens and make them at the facility. The look on an elderly’ face could melt your heart with his or her smile when a child visits them and sits a few minutes. But we really don’t have just Valentines Day to do this, we could visit ANY day. Think, some of us just might be there in the near future and would like a little company.

The Department coloring contest DEADLINE will be March the 15th. Please turn in all entries to Jackie Truelove, Denise Kindred or Doreen Rugg before or on that date. The winners will be announced at the Council of Administration that week-end.

Thank you all is advance for contributing to this Department’s Youth program and as I mentioned earlier, the report year deadline will be on us earlier than you think. Please get with the youth in your community and have fun with some kids, I heard they keep you young.

Until next time, Happy Valentines Day to all!

Youth Jan 24

Betty Doucet 228-990-6969 EMAIL monthly report form

Coloring Sheets   1st   2nd    3rd    4th    5th    6th    ALL

Ho Ho Ho and I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a healthy one. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! and may this year be a very healthy one to all.

Well, what can one say this year that we all haven’t heard a hundred times? How are our kids and what are we doing to instill patriotism and love of country?

Well, were there any parties that we hosted for them and promoted Americanism, brotherhood, what does America mean to me, why I’m proud to be an American and thankful to be from America? I don’t think so but I hope I’ve given you ‘food’ for thought. During January and February would be a great time to do this because of one of the greatest leaders of our times was born on January 15th, Martin Luther King Jr. and Presidents Day is February 19th. I know that some of you will visit the schools in your community and host events that will commemorate these wonder leaders of our country.

There are a few items at the VFW store to help you make a splash with the children and there are numerous ways to celebrate the day, and you can also distribute the Department coloring contest pages while you’re there. For those who don’t have them, they can be found on the ‘Youth’ section of the reports forms. We’ll announce a deadline at the Mid-Winter conference in January.

Please remember, I accept reports on any type of paper and any way you send them, Department forms, web page, emails, snail mail and carrier pigeon to name a few. You can also message me at 228-990-6969.

For those of you that are working with our future leaders, hats off to you and keep up the good work, I know it will pay off in time.

Until next time, be safe and carry membership applications at all times, you never know when you might meet someone to recruit.

Betty Doucet Ashmus