Beth Crow 662-522-9481 email
Happy Valentines Day to everyone. The Youth Program is moving right along. Did you know that Valentines Week is also National Salute to Veteran Patients Week? Get your schools and youth groups involved in making Valentines for our veterans that are hospitalized or confined to a nursing home. The veterans would love a handmade valentine from one of the kids.
As promised, the winners of our coloring contest were announced at Mid-Winter Conference. The winner of the K-2nd grade group is Derrick, from Johnson Elementary School in Jackson. Derrick is sponsored by Brooks W. Stewart Auxiliary Post 9832. The winner of the 3rd-5th grade group is Kaylee, from Hawking Elementary in Hattisburg. Kaylee is sponsored by Saint James Wright Auxiliary Post 5397. They were each awarded an Art Set and $10.00 to spend as they wish.
I hope all of you have your Illustrating America Contest underway and are keeping in contact with your schools and youth groups about the deadlines. The deadline for the art to be turned into the Auxiliaries is March 31. The Auxiliary winners must be sent to Department by April 15.
Make sure you print new forms as there are changes to the rules.
The SWAP this month is from Brooks W. Stewart Auxiliary Post 9832 in Jackson. This is the second year that the Auxiliary and Post are jointly sponsoring the Heart Over the Hammer Event. This event targets teens and young adults, providing them with tools and resources to cope with the challenges of today’s society. The event offers health screenings, mental health counseling, career counseling, and much more. The goal is to provide our youth outlets and solutions before they encounter difficulties, by creating a meaningful exchange of thoughts and ideas between the generations. Heart Over the Hammer is scheduled for March 8, 2025, 10:00am-2:00pm at Brooks W. Stewart VFW Post 9832.
I love sharing SWAPS with you. Please email me details about your youth events so I can share them with Auxiliaries across the state. My email is . Thanks for all of your hard work.