Beth Crow EMAIL
We’re at the year end for our Scholarship Program. I want to take the opportunity to thank all of you who have participated in the program. Thank you to all the people who helped and advised me in this first year as a program chairman. I hope that I have been of some service to you and your auxiliary.
I am looking forward to see how our entries for the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest and 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest do at National. Join me in wishing Edi-Ann and Adriane the best of luck. Both are talented artists and are heavy contenders for prizes at National. We had some awesome entries this year and I hope that we have even more in the coming year. Remember it is never too early to start promoting our scholarships.
Those entries not sent to National will be displayed at State Convention. If your auxiliary sponsored an artist please pick up their artwork before you leave.
Thanks again to everyone and I hope to see you all at State Convention this month.
Beth Crow, Scholarship Chairman 2023-2024
VFW Auxiliary, Dept of Mississippi