Beth Crow 662-552-9481 EMAIL monthly report form
downloadable scholarship forms
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I hope everyone survived the deep freeze of January without mishap. I’m looking forward to Spring. Just a few reminders for the coming months.
First, the applications for the Continuing Education Scholarship are due to National by Feb. 15. The application is available in Malta under the scholarships tab. There are questions to be answered on a separate sheet plus a no more than 300 word essay that describes your commitment that have to accompany the application. Members and their family members who are 21 and over may apply. The member must be 1 year in good standing.
Second, the deadline for the Young American Patriotic Art Contest and the 3-D Young American Patriotic Art Contest is fast approaching. All entries must be submitted to the auxiliaries by March 31. Please check in with your local schools and youth organizations to remind them of the contests.
Lastly, please submit your reports every month. There are Auxiliaries out there that have not submitted a report yet. Please do not wait until the last minute to get those reports submitted. You can submit them electronically at, by email, by text, or even snail mail. If you haven’t submitted a report by our next School of Instruction in March, I will be contacting you. There are many things that can be counted as promoting our scholarship programs, i.e. talking about them at meetings, sharing information with people outside the auxiliary, helping the VFW with Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy, even sharing posts on social media. Those are just a few. I know that most of you have done at least one thing that promotes our Scholarship Program this year, so please submit a report.
Thank you to those Auxiliaries that have already submitted reports. I know that the rest of you are going to send me a report soon. Have a great Valentines Day and I will see you in March.