Beth Crow Phone 662-552-9481 Email
Happy Fall everyone! I know we’re all looking forward to the cooler weather. I hope that you all have your Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen programs in full swing. Remember that all entries have to be submitted to the Post by midnight Oct. 31. Post judging should be complete and entries submitted to the Department by Nov. 15. Consider planning an event to recognize those youths participating in the contest.
Our next scholarship event coming up is the Continuing Education Scholarship. A $1250.00 scholarship is awarded to one member in each of the four conferences. The scholarship is available to Auxiliary Members, their spouses and children. Qualifying members must have been members for one year by the application submission date. Applicants must be in financial need to continue/return to college or vocational/technical/trade schools. The applicant must be 21 years of age by the submission date of Feb. 15, 2024. Applications and information can be found in MALTA under the Scholarship tab.
Also be mindful of promoting the Young American Creative Art Contest, and the 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest. March is just around the corner. Please make contact with your local schools and get their art teachers involved with promoting the contests. There are some very good tools in MALTA to aid in promoting these, as well as, our other contests. Particularly, there is a fillable press release for all of our scholarships and contests that I recommend sending to your local newspapers.
Did you know that you can donate directly to our scholarship programs through MALTA. Under Duties, hit the GIVE button to make a direct donation to the scholarship program of your choice.
Have a great Fall and don’t forget to report, report, report!