Monthly Blog

Hospital March 24

Carol Fetters 228-596-5014 Email Monthly Report Form


As we continue through the months, our National Hospital Ambassador would still like for all volunteers to think outside the box in organizing “fun” for our veterans. Our veterans love celebrating traditional holidays, but so do all the organizations who support our veterans. Maybe they would also enjoy celebrating some non-traditional holidays. Some of these March holidays are:

March 1 – Peanut Butter’s Day – Bring a peanut butter dessert or candy
March 4 – Toy Soldier Day – Anyone for playing?
March 6 – Oreo Cookie Day – Bring Oreos and milk for the veterans
March 13–National Good Samaritan Day, Do something great for the veterans
March 14 – Popcorn Lover’s Day – Have a popcorn party
March 23 – National Chip and Dip Day – Have a little party for the veterans

If your VA hospital or Nursing Home allows your auxiliary to visit the veterans on any of these days, think about doing and preparing some of these non-traditional holidays!
These non-traditional holidays are an excellent chance to show your veterans something different to celebrate. Make sure you take care of their caretakers also.


Women have served our nation for generations and are the fastest growing group within the veteran population. Comprehensive health services are available and tailored to the unique needs of women veterans.

It is time to think about The Awards that can be obtained by filling out the applications in the VFW Malta Member Resources. The reports must be sent to me by March 31, 2024.

  1. Citation to the VFW Auxiliary member in each of the 10 Program Divisions who recruits the most Hospital (VA and non-VA facilities) volunteers from July 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024. Entry form (required) available on MALTA Member Resources. Citations to be mailed directly to winners after National Convention.
  2. “Hospital Volunteer Recruiter of the Year” plaque awarded to one Auxiliary member in the nation who recruits the most Hospital volunteers (VA and non-VA facilities) from July 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. Entry form (required) available in MALTA Member Resources. Plaque to be mailed directly to winner after National Convention.
  3. Citation to the Outstanding Hospital Volunteer of the Year in each of the 10 Program Divisions. Entry form (required) available at MALTA Member Resources ( Citations to be mailed directly to winners after National Convention.

This year’s National theme “Banding Together for our Veterans”, and the Department of Mississippi’s theme, “Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans” is the lifeblood of the Hospital Program. The volunteer efforts of our members and working together makes a huge difference in the lives of our hospitalized veterans.

I would also remind everyone who has not reported on any hospital work they have done, please do so now. You can use the website, email, or snail mail. I will be calling to talk with each auxiliary that has not reported.

Remember to bring items for the Hospital Table at C of A in Gulfport

Youth March 24

March has some little known or publicized holidays in it, one being National Anthem Day, March 3rd, and National K9 Veterans Day on March 13th. Could you consider having a celebration day at your local school for either of these, I’m sure the kids would love it and planning either would get your creative juices in overdrive. A very well known holiday is St. Patrick’s Day, a fun time to spend with children, looking for four leaf clovers and a great time to teach them how the Irish played a part in founding this great country.

(Sing along) Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail, hoppin’ down the bunny trail, hippidy hoppidy Easter’s on it’s way. We’re right around the corner to finishing the report year, at the end of this month, and I want to be sure ALL of you have been collecting the ‘eggs’ in the basket to turn in, (in case you haven’t already). This month is a very special month because of EASTER, my favorite holiday because the Lord has risen. It is also the time we can do a lot with our youth. Some ideas for your Easter egg hunts would be to fill some of those plastic eggs with tiny little American flags, or red, white and blue candies, or have a Patriotic Easter bunny as a grand prize for winners for the hunt. I know some of you have great ideas for the Easter theme.

Did anyone visit the schools for Presidents’ Day? Has anyone donated their time reading books from the library? Some really good reports have been coming in about work being done at the schools. And you don’t have to go to the schools to work with the youth, you can join them in the scouts or boy and girls club events. Some volunteer their time coaching baseball, football, soccer and even swimming.

These are the times when the children watch us and some ‘hang’ on every word we say and this is a time we can instill in them the love of country, patriotism and American values. Believe it or not, they are listening. We are setting the example so let’s please set a good one.

Hats off to all who have made this a great program to work with. May all the youth you have encountered leave with great memories of what they will take with them in their future. Signing off for now, Betty

Membership March 24

Marquitta Hill 601.596.7546 EMAIL monthly report form

Majority of our members are family oriented. Our members either have children of their own, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. What can we do to keep our children busy while conducting our meetings?

• Do you have any Auxiliary members who are very good with children? If you do, allow your Auxiliary members to rotate each month to come up with different activities for the children.
• Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of things children would love to find while their parents are attending their meetings. • Painting: Children love to paint different things such as their favorite character, favorite animal or something associated with their family and friends.
• Coloring Sheet: Printing pictures off related to our flag will allow children to learn about the meaning of our flag/stripes, the meaning of the stars and colors while having fun coloring.
• Crafts
• Playing games

Be creative with ways to keep our children busy while their parents/guardians are attending meetings.

Membership March 24

Michelle Brinson (601) 734-8160 EMAIL monthly report form

Hello everyone. Looking forward to seeing all of you this month in Gulfport for the Council of Administration/School of Instruction. What does Membership mean to our organization and, most importantly, to our Veterans. Membership is the lifeblood of our organization and, without members, we would not have the voice that we have and would not be able to accomplish the great things that we do in support of and for our Veterans. Without each of you and without new members, who will take care of our Veterans? It’s scary to think about, or should be. Why? Because each of you matter not only to your Auxiliary, District, Department, and Organization, but because each of you matter to our Veterans.

This year, we need to retain 778 continuous annual members (annual members who renew or convert to a life member) compared to 840 continuous annual members last year. As of February 28, 2024, we have had 577 annual members renew their dues and 60 annual members convert to a life member for a combined total of 637 or 81.88% in retention. So, what does this mean? The question we need to answer is why are we losing so many members who do not choose to renew their dues and what can we do to change this trend and keep members active and involved. I want to encourage you to please be sure to continue to work hard to make contact with those annual members who have not yet renewed their dues or converted to a life member. Remember, you can still generate dues reminder notices in MALTA to mail to your annual members and/or you can reach out to them by phone, letter, text, message, email, or face-to-face. Please encourage their participation and let them know how important they are to your auxiliary, our organization, and to all Veterans and their families. Also, please be sure to remind them of the eligibility requirements for the Cancer Grant, which are as follows: “Applicant must be a member of the VFW Auxiliary for one (1) full year and current dues must be paid…” While we all hate to lose members for any reason, we surely do not want any of our
members to lose their eligibility for the cancer grant because they are not current in paying their dues.

So far this year, we have gained 82 new annual members, 10 rejoin annual members, 25 new life members. and 2 rejoin life members for a total of 119 new members. Sadly, however, we have also already lost 1 annual member and 50 life members who have passed away. As of February 28, 2024, our “Current Total” Membership (excluding our 51 deceased members) was 2,809 or 97.33% and our “Paid Total” Membership (including our 51 deceased members) was 2,860 or 99.10%.

So, Lights, Camera, Action:
Remember, this year, we are incorporating movies into our Membership Program, and we want to make it fun for all and help our Southern Conference Director win the prestigious award for Best Picture of the 2023-2024 Program Year. So, let’s all “Band Together” to help make this happen by inviting new members, investing in all members, and including current members.
Keep all members informed, encourage their participation, and get them involved in activities/events. Have a Plan that includes: • Contacting current members; • Outreach to former members; • Recruiting events for new members; • Picking a mentor for a new member; *Planning at least four recruiting events in your community each year.

Membership Program Awards:
● Awards for Members:

  1. Lights, Camera, Action! pin to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits five (5) new members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024. The Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2024. Lights, Camera, Action! pin will be mailed directly to the member from National Headquarters.
  2. National Membership Achievement (NMA) Award to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits 20 new members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024. The Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2024. NMA Award to be presented at the
    2024 National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. If a member is not in attendance, the award will be mailed directly to the member from National Headquarters after the National Convention.
  3. Lights, Camera, Action! VFW Auxiliary Recruiter Drawing. Each VFW Auxiliary National Membership Achievement Award recipient will be entered into a drawing to receive a $500 Visa Gift Card (VFW Recruiters are not eligible). Recruiter Award Forms are no longer needed for VFW Auxiliary members. Reports are compiled by VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters from information entered in MALTA. VFW members who recruit new VFW Auxiliary members will need to fill out the required VFW members-only form that is available on MALTA Member Resources. Completed form must be received at VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters and Department Treasurer must enter
    membership in MALTA by June 10, 2024.

● Awards for Auxiliaries:

  1. $25 to each Auxiliary that reaches 98% Plus in Paid Total Membership by March 31, 2024*.
  2. $25 to each Auxiliary that reaches 100% Plus in Paid Total Membership by June 30, 2024*.
  3. Lights, Camera, Action! VFW Auxiliary Drawing. Each VFW Auxiliary that
    reaches 101% Plus in Paid Total Membership by June 30, 2024* will be entered into a one time drawing to receive $500.
    I am very proud and happy to report that 21 auxiliaries have already met or exceeded some or all of the aforementioned goals.

Awards for Departments:

  1. Silver Department Award #2: $250 to each Department that reaches 98% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,829 total members (including deaths) by March 31, 2024*. As of January 29, 2024, we met our goal and the Department will receive a deposit of $250 in April 2024.
  2. Gold Department Award #3: $300 to each Department that reaches 100% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,886 total members (including deaths) by June 30, 2024*. As of February 28, 2024, we only need 26 annual members to renew or convert to a life member and/or new or rejoin annual/life members. Therefore, we could easily reach and
    exceed this goal.
  3. Platinum Department Award #4: $400 to each Department that reaches 101% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,915 total members (including deaths) by June 30, 2024*. Departments that receive the Platinum Department Award #4 for $400 will still receive the Gold Department Award #3 for $300 for a combined total of $700. As of February 28, 2024, we only need 55 members to renew or convert to life member
    and/or new or rejoin annual/life members. Therefore, we could easily reach and exceed this goal.

● Conference vs. Conference: $50 to each Department within the Conference with the highest total percentage by June 30, 2024*
*Based on the June 30, 2023, year-end membership numbers.

Report Your Membership Activities Monthly. Please remember to complete the monthly reporting form online at or by downloading and completing the form and sending it to me via regular by email at no later than the 5th day of each month if possible. If you have problems completing the reporting form online or sending it via regular mail or email, you may call me or text me with your information at 901-734-8160.

I have had the honor to work with you and have seen what all of you have done for the past 2 years and what you have done so far this year. I believe that we can reach and exceed our goal! We are fast approaching March 31, 2024, and what an amazing gift it would be to renew your membership or convert to a life member in honor of your Veteran(s). Auxiliaries, please
continue to reach out to your lapsed/unpaid members and encourage them to renew or convert in honor of their Veteran(s) today but no later than March 31, 2024, and please continue to recruit new members into our organization. Let’s continue to honor our Veterans, our Service men and women, their families, our communities, and our organization by keeping our membership current, being involved/active, and by asking others to join. Remember, our
membership and service matter–You matter and, by “Banding Together,” we can do so much for those who have sacrificed and done so much for our Country and for all of us. God bless our Veterans, Service Members, their families, our organization, our department, and all of you.

Hope to see all of you this month in Gulfport.
Roll On Mississippi And Keep Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans,

Legislative Mar 24

As Legislative Chairman this year I have received a lot of good reports from the Auxiliaries. Please continue to send them in as the final reports will be due soon. This program will continue to help our Veterans and families of the Service members. Please continue to use Resources Available to you in MALTA. Encourage your members to contact your legislators and congressman on bills concerning our Veterans. Be sure to continue to check the VFW website for the current Priority Goals. Working together with our elected officials can help them understand the position of our Veterans. Continue to attend town hall meetings.


Buddy Poppy/National Home Mar 24

Tanya Constant (360) 990-1508 Email monthly report form

Happy March spring is just around the corner. Our year is coming to a close quickly but we have plenty of time to make a difference. I wanted to share what a few of us did on the mid winter Cruise. If you haven’t heard about cruising ducks it is a fun activity that many children and adults enjoy. Mississippi hid over a hundred buddy Poppy ducks all over the ship. National president Carla Martinez enjoyed handing them out personally.  You can see some pictures on our website you can see some of the pictures that patrons uploaded. 

Thank you to everyone that has sent a canceled check to me for the 100th birthday I have forwarded them on to the national home.

Some of you may have had the opportunity to visit the national home but for those that have not I want to share with you what our sponsored house looks like. So when you are making your donations for the remainder of the year remember that if you send in a donation to the national home don’t forget about the house. (Please send house donations to

VFW Department P.O. Box 2027, Jackson, MS 39225

It is definitely wonderful to see our new state flag flying in front of our house..

Sponsored by the VFW Department of Mississippi

Built in 1929
2,874 Square Feet
4 Bed, 3 Bath

Scholarship Mar 24

Beth Crow, Auxiliary 662-552-9481 EMAIL monthly report form

downloadable scholarship forms

Spring is in the air! I am so happy to see warmer weather. I’m looking forward to seeing you all at our March Council of Admin.

It’s time to make the push to the March 31 deadline for the Young American Patriotic Art Contest and 3D Patriotic Art Contest. Make sure you have contacted all of your area schools and provided information to them about the contests, if you haven’t already. Follow up with those organizations that you have contacted and remind them the deadline is approaching. Finally, make sure your submissions get to the Department on time. The deadline for submitting to the Department is April 15. I have to submit the Department winner to National by May 5. These are all tight deadlines please act in a timely manner. Remember this is not just a submission of a name. An actual piece of art will be mailed, so take into account the delivery time. Please take care in packing the submission if you are sending it by USPS, UPS, or any commercial delivery company. If you are mailing USPS, I live on a rural route. Please take care to mark the package DO NOT BEND, FRAGILE, and place it in a sturdy container so that it doesn’t end up stuffed willy nilly in my mailbox. If you feel uncomfortable mailing your entry, I’ll try to arrange a pickup but I would ask that you coordinate with neighboring auxiliaries and districts so that I could pick up several entries at a time.

Last but not least, remember to get your reports in. I still have auxiliaries that haven’t submitted a report. The time is fast approaching for the end of year report. I will have printed copies of the Scholarship report to hand out at March Council of Admin. I expect you all to get at least one report in by March 31.

Have a good Easter and enjoy the warmer weather.

Hospital Feb 24

Carol Fetters 228-596-5014 Email Monthly Report Form

This year’s National theme “Banding Together for our Veterans”, and the Department of Mississippi’s theme, “Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans” is the lifeblood of the Hospital Program. The volunteer efforts of our members and working together will make a huge difference in the lives of our hospitalized veterans.


As we continue through the months, our National Hospital Ambassador would still like for all volunteers to think outside the box in organizing “fun” for our veterans. Our veterans love celebrating traditional holidays, but so do all the organizations who support our veterans. Maybe they would also enjoy celebrating some non-traditional holidays. Some of these January holidays are:

Feb. 1 – Robinson Crusoe Day – Discuss the trials of Robinson Crusoe,

Feb. 2 – Groundhog Day – Have a party about Groundhog Day, predicting the next six months of weather

Feb. 3 – Golden Retriever Day – Bring a Golden Retriever Service Dog for the veterans to have fun with.

Feb. 6 – Lame Duck Way

Feb. 8 – Laugh and Get Rich Day

If your VA hospital or Nursing Home allows your auxiliary to visit the veterans on any of these days, think about doing and preparing some of these non-traditional holidays!

These non-traditional holidays are an excellent chance to show your veterans something different to celebrate. Make sure you take care of their caretakers also.


This month is the NATIONAL SALUTE TO VETERAN PATIENTS. It is a special month for our veterans. The week of February 14 is your opportunity to thank a special group of men and women who are cared for throughout the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers, outpatient clinics and nursing homes. The purpose of the National Salute to Veteran Patients

program is to pay tribute and express appreciation to veterans, increase community awareness of the role of the VA medical center and encourage citizens to visit hospitalized veterans and become more involved as volunteers. Our hospital volunteers contribute to VA personnel and patients. It is because of volunteers like you who bring a touch of happiness to those veterans’ faces.

This year on Friday, Feb.9, 2023 the VA Hospital in Biloxi is having a “Mardi Gras Parade” for the veterans. They will be outside (weather permitting) catching beads, candy, toys, stuffed animals from VFW and Auxiliary members and other organizations on floats, trailers, cars and on foot honoring our veteran heroes. Afterwards the veterans will be treated to King cakes” and other goodies. Come on down from North Mississippi and join in the fun.


Share the love we have for our veterans and service members this Valentine’s Day by sending a valentine, hosting a party, recognition event or dinner in their honor.

It is time to think about The Awards that can be obtained by filling out the applications in the VFW Malta Member Resources. The reports must e sent to me by March 31, 2024.

1 Citation to the VFW Auxiliary member in each of the 10 Program Divisions who recruits the most Hospital (VA and non-VA facilities) volunteers from July 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024. Entry form (required) available on MALTA Member Resources. Citations to be mailed directly to winners after National Convention.

2. “Hospital Volunteer Recruiter of the Year” plaque awarded to one Auxiliary member in the nation who recruits the most Hospital volunteers (VA and non-VA facilities) from July 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. Entry form (required) available in MALTA Member Resources. Plaque to be mailed directly to winner after National Convention.

3. Citation to the Outstanding Hospital Volunteer of the Year in each of the 10

Program Divisions. Entry form (required) available at MALTA Member Resources

( Citations to be mailed directly to winners after National Convention.

I would also remind everyone who has not reported on any hospital work they have done, please do so now. You can use the website, email, or snail mail. Any way you want to report, but report! Those who have been reporting, continue to do so!

Remember to bring items for the Hospital Table at

C of A in Gulfport

Historian February 2024

Aletta Butler (228) 334-2783 EMAIL monthly report form

send pictures to email questions email

#   What is that all about?? 

Well, it is called a hash tag. It is used on social media platforms, so it is easier to find posts, pictures, etc. Our National Historian ambassador is asking that you #SNAP, Stop Now Ask Permission when you are snapping pictures of anyone. (permission slips are available for download behind MALTA log in)

During the March C of A we will be set up to take video interviews of Legacy (long-time members) that are in attendance. If you need help with ideas or video I am here to help. Entry forms are available in MALTA Member Resources. Entries are due to me by April 1, 2024 for judging and list submission to National by April 30, 2024. National will issue a citation to the Auxiliary for their participation directly.

The coolest way to share the interviews is posting them to the Department Facebook page. (make sure you tag me and #BarbaraPFranklin) We will need to submit the video to National on a thumb drive and make sure the entry form is filled out.

Some great advice from the National historian, Diana Morris:

* Greet and introduce the Legacy member with some details about them.

* Ask how they joined and why they joined.

* Perhaps have them show pictures of themselves and/or their veteran. Have them tell of some of their favorite memories. And try to bring those memories to life.

* Watch for distractions or other people in the video.

Y’all are doing amazing making history for our future while “Banding Together” and Soar Above and Beyond with One Mission – Veterans!

Youth Feb 24

Betty Doucet 228-990-6969 EMAIL monthly report form

Coloring Sheets   1st   2nd    3rd    4th    5th    6th    ALL

Hope all had a Healthy, happy and safe New Year. The really big holidays are here and gone BUT we have some pretty good ones coming up that will benefit our children and adults as well.

February is Black History Month and also American Heart Month. Some of the holidays include; Valentine’s Day February 14th, which is also Ash Wednesday, and Presidents Day February 19th. There are also several ‘observations’ that I thought were cute but could be fun to celebrate with the students at your local schools, they include; National Tater Tot Day and Bubblegum Day both on the 2nd. On February 4th the USO is recognized, February 8th is National Boy Scouts Day, then National Pizza Day on the 9th. Adding to the list is Armed Forces Day on the 11th, Random Acts of Kindness Day on the 17th and on the 26th is Letters to the Elder Day. These days and many that were NOT mentioned were all compliments of the World Wide Web but I thought they were interesting enough to bring up in case y’all didn’t have reason to visit your schools and give me a report on your activities.

The report year is closing in on us and the school year is more than half over. Have we had something to report with our children? If not get a group of kids and visit a nursing home in your area and distribute Valentine cards. They don’t have to be store bought, you and the kids can go visit with coloring paper and colors or pens and make them at the facility. The look on an elderly’ face could melt your heart with his or her smile when a child visits them and sits a few minutes. But we really don’t have just Valentines Day to do this, we could visit ANY day. Think, some of us just might be there in the near future and would like a little company.

The Department coloring contest DEADLINE will be March the 15th. Please turn in all entries to Jackie Truelove, Denise Kindred or Doreen Rugg before or on that date. The winners will be announced at the Council of Administration that week-end.

Thank you all is advance for contributing to this Department’s Youth program and as I mentioned earlier, the report year deadline will be on us earlier than you think. Please get with the youth in your community and have fun with some kids, I heard they keep you young.

Until next time, Happy Valentines Day to all!