Dues reminder notices for 2025 have been emailed to members whose dues have not been paid. Some dues may have been paid since the notices were generated. Please inform your members to disregard reminder notice if their dues have been paid. The dues amount listed on the letters is the amount that’s in Malta. If your Auxiliary’s amount is not what’s listed on the letter, please inform your members of the correct amount and have your treasurer correct it in Malta. For those members without email, their letters have been and/or will be emailed to the Presidents.
Recruit 5 new/rejoin members by December 31st – will receive a magnetic US flag pin from VFW store and entered into a drawing to win a $15 VFW Store gift certificate.
Recruit 10 new/rejoin members by December 31st – will receive a magnetic US flag pin from VFW store and entered into a drawing to win $25 cash.
Recruit 25 or more new/rejoin members by December 31st –will receive a recognition keepsake and entered into a drawing to win $50 cash.
Every member that converts from Annual to Life member by December 31st – will receive a Life member pin from VFW store and will be entered into a drawing for $75 cash.
Every Auxiliary to reach 100% by December 31st – will receive $25 cash and a 100% ribbon (for display).
Now, Who’s up for the challenge?
you can scan the code below or click on the QR code
“Prepare Your Ask”
Scan the QR code. Behind this QR code will be things like the Fact Sheet, Membership Application, What We Do, Auxiliary Locator and anything else we might need in our “Recruiting Tool Kit”.
From Our Roots to Our Branches, Extending Service To Our Veterans. However, we are also encouraged to extend our service to our communities and organizations within our communities. Steps to a Successful Auxiliary Outreach Project: • Partner with organizations that could use assistance. • Vote and approve a motion to provide assistance in your meeting and record that approval in your meeting minutes–if possible at the first meeting of the new year. • Approval should occur prior to the outreach activity except on rare occasions such as a natural disaster or emergency • At least one Auxiliary member must participate in order to be counted as auxiliary outreach, and projects may be done by only the Auxiliary or together with the VFW Post. • Wear VFW Auxiliary attire while participating (shirt, hat, name badge, lanyard, etc.).
• All volunteer hours need to be counted (but not monetary donations).
• Share information about the VFW Auxiliary; i.e., what we do, why we do it, how someone can become a member, etc.
What’s Considered Auxiliary Outreach:
● Auxiliary Outreach is for projects not affiliated with the VFW or VFW Auxiliary.
● Participation in walks that benefit other organizations such as an event spotter, water station volunteer, timekeeper, etc. (Note: This does not include walking in the event).
● Partner with law enforcement personnel on child ID kits, bicycle safety training, etc.
● Partner with firefighters on fire safety and prevention.
● Partner with EMTs to host CPR training.
● Partner with Senior Citizens Centers by teaching a basic computer class, playing bingo, doing arts and crafts or other activities, etc.
● Partner with parks and recreation departments or garden clubs to adopt a park, plant trees, perform general clean up; etc.
● Partner with animal shelters by volunteering to help clean kennels, walk animals, etc.
● Partner with homeless shelters by serving food, bussing tables, cleaning up, etc.
● Partner with food pantries to stock shelves, pack food boxes, serve food, etc.
● Partner with the Red Cross or others at their blood drives.
● Partner with Meals on Wheels.
● Partner with organizations that provide clothing, household goods, furniture, appliances, bedding, etc., by sorting items, passing out items, etc.
● Helping a church host a community-wide Easter egg hunt, trunk or treat, breakfast with Santa; Vacation Bible School, etc.
● Donations of goods are now reportable under Auxiliary Outreach if you have at least one auxiliary member who is gathering and delivering items to an organization that is not specific to a Veterans’ service organization.
Let others know that you are with the VFW auxiliary and are volunteering your time/services to help this organization when dropping off your donations. This collecting clothing, shoes, household items, appliances, furniture, medical equipment, etc., for organizations such as, House of Grace, Hope Ministries, etc.
Auxiliary Outreach Program Award: Most outstanding photo collage created by the VFW Auxiliary of their VFW Auxiliary Outreach partnerships during the current Program Year. Citation and $25 to one VFW Auxiliary in each of the 10 Program Divisions that creates the most outstanding photo collage of their VFW Auxiliary partnerships during the current Program Year. So, remember to capture pictures of all the amazing things you are doing in your communities.
Denzel Washington once said, “At the end of the day it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished…it’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.” Let’s continue to extend our services and give back by volunteering and helping our communities and organizations within our communities.
Majority of our members are family oriented. Our members either have children of their own, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. What can we do to keep our children busy while conducting our meetings?
• Do you have any Auxiliary members who are very good with children? If you do, allow your Auxiliary members to rotate each month to come up with different activities for the children. • Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of things children would love to find while their parents are attending their meetings. • Painting: Children love to paint different things such as their favorite character, favorite animal or something associated with their family and friends. • Coloring Sheet: Printing pictures off related to our flag will allow children to learn about the meaning of our flag/stripes, the meaning of the stars and colors while having fun coloring. • Crafts • Playing games
Be creative with ways to keep our children busy while their parents/guardians are attending meetings.
Hello everyone. Looking forward to seeing all of you this month in Gulfport for the Council of Administration/School of Instruction. What does Membership mean to our organization and, most importantly, to our Veterans. Membership is the lifeblood of our organization and, without members, we would not have the voice that we have and would not be able to accomplish the great things that we do in support of and for our Veterans. Without each of you and without new members, who will take care of our Veterans? It’s scary to think about, or should be. Why? Because each of you matter not only to your Auxiliary, District, Department, and Organization, but because each of you matter to our Veterans.
This year, we need to retain 778 continuous annual members (annual members who renew or convert to a life member) compared to 840 continuous annual members last year. As of February 28, 2024, we have had 577 annual members renew their dues and 60 annual members convert to a life member for a combined total of 637 or 81.88% in retention. So, what does this mean? The question we need to answer is why are we losing so many members who do not choose to renew their dues and what can we do to change this trend and keep members active and involved. I want to encourage you to please be sure to continue to work hard to make contact with those annual members who have not yet renewed their dues or converted to a life member. Remember, you can still generate dues reminder notices in MALTA to mail to your annual members and/or you can reach out to them by phone, letter, text, message, email, or face-to-face. Please encourage their participation and let them know how important they are to your auxiliary, our organization, and to all Veterans and their families. Also, please be sure to remind them of the eligibility requirements for the Cancer Grant, which are as follows: “Applicant must be a member of the VFW Auxiliary for one (1) full year and current dues must be paid…” While we all hate to lose members for any reason, we surely do not want any of our members to lose their eligibility for the cancer grant because they are not current in paying their dues.
So far this year, we have gained 82 new annual members, 10 rejoin annual members, 25 new life members. and 2 rejoin life members for a total of 119 new members. Sadly, however, we have also already lost 1 annual member and 50 life members who have passed away. As of February 28, 2024, our “Current Total” Membership (excluding our 51 deceased members) was 2,809 or 97.33% and our “Paid Total” Membership (including our 51 deceased members) was 2,860 or 99.10%.
So, Lights, Camera, Action: Remember, this year, we are incorporating movies into our Membership Program, and we want to make it fun for all and help our Southern Conference Director win the prestigious award for Best Picture of the 2023-2024 Program Year. So, let’s all “Band Together” to help make this happen by inviting new members, investing in all members, and including current members. Keep all members informed, encourage their participation, and get them involved in activities/events. Have a Plan that includes: • Contacting current members; • Outreach to former members; • Recruiting events for new members; • Picking a mentor for a new member; *Planning at least four recruiting events in your community each year.
Membership Program Awards: ● Awards for Members:
Lights, Camera, Action! pin to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits five (5) new members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024. The Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2024. Lights, Camera, Action! pin will be mailed directly to the member from National Headquarters.
National Membership Achievement (NMA) Award to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits 20 new members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024. The Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2024. NMA Award to be presented at the 2024 National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. If a member is not in attendance, the award will be mailed directly to the member from National Headquarters after the National Convention.
Lights, Camera, Action! VFW Auxiliary Recruiter Drawing. Each VFW Auxiliary National Membership Achievement Award recipient will be entered into a drawing to receive a $500 Visa Gift Card (VFW Recruiters are not eligible). Recruiter Award Forms are no longer needed for VFW Auxiliary members. Reports are compiled by VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters from information entered in MALTA. VFW members who recruit new VFW Auxiliary members will need to fill out the required VFW members-only form that is available on MALTA Member Resources. Completed form must be received at VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters and Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA by June 10, 2024.
● Awards for Auxiliaries:
$25 to each Auxiliary that reaches 98% Plus in Paid Total Membership by March 31, 2024*.
$25 to each Auxiliary that reaches 100% Plus in Paid Total Membership by June 30, 2024*.
Lights, Camera, Action! VFW Auxiliary Drawing. Each VFW Auxiliary that reaches 101% Plus in Paid Total Membership by June 30, 2024* will be entered into a one time drawing to receive $500. I am very proud and happy to report that 21 auxiliaries have already met or exceeded some or all of the aforementioned goals.
Awards for Departments:
Silver Department Award #2: $250 to each Department that reaches 98% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,829 total members (including deaths) by March 31, 2024*. As of January 29, 2024, we met our goal and the Department will receive a deposit of $250 in April 2024.
Gold Department Award #3: $300 to each Department that reaches 100% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,886 total members (including deaths) by June 30, 2024*. As of February 28, 2024, we only need 26 annual members to renew or convert to a life member and/or new or rejoin annual/life members. Therefore, we could easily reach and exceed this goal.
Platinum Department Award #4: $400 to each Department that reaches 101% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,915 total members (including deaths) by June 30, 2024*. Departments that receive the Platinum Department Award #4 for $400 will still receive the Gold Department Award #3 for $300 for a combined total of $700. As of February 28, 2024, we only need 55 members to renew or convert to life member and/or new or rejoin annual/life members. Therefore, we could easily reach and exceed this goal.
● Conference vs. Conference: $50 to each Department within the Conference with the highest total percentage by June 30, 2024* *Based on the June 30, 2023, year-end membership numbers.
Report Your Membership Activities Monthly. Please remember to complete the monthly reporting form online at http://www.vfwauxms.org/report-forms/ or by downloading and completing the form and sending it to me via regular by email at no later than the 5th day of each month if possible. If you have problems completing the reporting form online or sending it via regular mail or email, you may call me or text me with your information at 901-734-8160.
I have had the honor to work with you and have seen what all of you have done for the past 2 years and what you have done so far this year. I believe that we can reach and exceed our goal! We are fast approaching March 31, 2024, and what an amazing gift it would be to renew your membership or convert to a life member in honor of your Veteran(s). Auxiliaries, please continue to reach out to your lapsed/unpaid members and encourage them to renew or convert in honor of their Veteran(s) today but no later than March 31, 2024, and please continue to recruit new members into our organization. Let’s continue to honor our Veterans, our Service men and women, their families, our communities, and our organization by keeping our membership current, being involved/active, and by asking others to join. Remember, our membership and service matter–You matter and, by “Banding Together,” we can do so much for those who have sacrificed and done so much for our Country and for all of us. God bless our Veterans, Service Members, their families, our organization, our department, and all of you.
Hope to see all of you this month in Gulfport. Roll On Mississippi And Keep Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans,
Hello everyone. What a way to start the new year with so much cold, ice, and snow for much of the state! I hope everyone has recovered that we’re affected by the weather and look forward to seeing all of you in March in Gulfport for the Council of Administration/School of Instruction. Let’s look at what Membership means to our organization but, most importantly, to our Veterans. Membership is the lifeblood of our organization and, without members, we would not have the voice that we have and would not be able to accomplish the great things that we do in support of and for our Veterans. Without each of you and without new members, who will take care of our Veterans? It’s scary to think about, or should be. Why? Because each of you matter not only to your Auxiliary, District, Department, and Organization, but because each of you matter to our Veterans. Again, as a reminder, if you have officers who have not yet paid their dues for the year, in accordance with Sec. 109 of our National Bylaws, “…No officer may be relieved of their office except for the following reasons: Non-payment of dues prior to December 31. Once relieved from office, the member may not be re-elected or appointed to any position until the member’s dues are paid…” Auxiliary presidents/Secretaries, please log in to MALTA, click on Duties, click on Reports, and click on Unpaid Members Report for your Auxiliary. If your Auxiliary has an officer who did not renew their dues by December 31, 2023, please notify your District President along with our Department Secretary Gloria Grady, Department Treasurer Benita Lyman, Chief of Staff Laurie Williamson, and Madam President Barbara Franklin. Don’t forget, you will need to call for nominations and hold an election at your next meeting if you have not already done so to fill the vacant position(s). This year, we need to retain 778 continuous annual members (annual members who renew or convert to a life member) compared to 840 continuous annual members last year. First, I want to say a huge “Thank You” to all of the auxiliaries who have been working retention so hard. Since December, you have renewed 76 members! As of January 30, 2024, we have had 570 annual members renew their dues and 58 annual members convert to a life member. So, what does this mean? This means we still have 133 annual members who have not yet renewed their dues or converted to a life member. The question we need to answer is why. Why are we losing so many members who do not choose to renew their dues, and what can we do to change this trend and keep members active and involved? With that in mind, please be sure to continue to work hard to make contact with those annual members who have not yet renewed their dues or converted to a life member. Remember, you can generate dues reminder notices in MALTA to mail to your annual members and/or you can reach out to them by phone, letter, text, message, email, or face-to-face. Please encourage their participation and let them know how important they are to your auxiliary, our organization, and to all Veterans and their families. Also, please be sure to remind them of the eligibility requirements for the Cancer Grant, which are as follows: “Applicant must be a member of the VFW Auxiliary for one (1) full year and current dues must be paid…” While we all hate to lose members for any reason, we surely do not want any of our members to lose their eligibility for the cancer grant because they are not current in paying their dues. So far this year, we have gained 62 new annual members, 10 rejoin annual members, 22 new life members. and 2 rejoin life member for a total of 96 new members, which is up 9 new members from December. Sadly, however, we have also already lost 1 annual member and 45 life members who have passed away. As of January 28, 2024, our “Current Total” Membership (excluding our 46 deceased members) was 2,783 or 96.43% and our “Paid Total” Membership (including our 46 deceased members) was 2,829 up 151 members from December or 98.02%. So, Lights, Camera, Action: Remember, this year, we are incorporating movies into our Membership Program, and we want to make it fun for all and help our Southern Conference Director win the prestigious award for Best Picture of the 2023-2024 Program Year. So, let’s all “Band Together” to help make this happen by inviting new members, investing in all members, and including current members. Keep all members informed, encourage their participation, and get them involved in activities/events. Have a Plan that includes:
Contacting current members
Outreach to former members;
Recruiting events for new members;
Picking a mentor for a new member;
Planning at least four recruiting events in your community each year. Membership Program Awards: ● Awards for Members:
Lights, Camera, Action! pin to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits five (5) new members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2023, through May 31,
The Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2024. Lights, Camera, Action! pin will be mailed directly to the member from National Headquarters.
National Membership Achievement (NMA) Award to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits 20 new members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024. The Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2024. NMA Award to be presented at the 2024 National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. If a member is not in attendance, the award will be mailed directly to the member from National Headquarters after the National Convention.
Lights, Camera, Action! VFW Auxiliary Recruiter Drawing. Each VFW Auxiliary National Membership Achievement Award recipient will be entered into a drawing to receive a $500 Visa Gift Card (VFW Recruiters are not eligible). Recruiter Award Forms are no longer needed for VFW Auxiliary members. Reports are compiled by VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters from information entered in MALTA. VFW members who recruit new VFW Auxiliary members will need to fill out the required VFW members-only form that is available on MALTA Member Resources. Completed form must be received at VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters and Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA by June 10, 2024. ● Awards for Auxiliaries:
$25 to each Auxiliary that reaches 98% Plus in Paid Total Membership by March 31, 2024*.
$25 to each Auxiliary that reaches 100% Plus in Paid Total Membership by June 30, 2024*.
Lights, Camera, Action! VFW Auxiliary Drawing. Each VFW Auxiliary that reaches 101% Plus in Paid Total Membership by June 30, 2024* will be entered into a one time drawing to receive $500. I am very happy to report that 23 auxiliaries have already met or exceeded some or all of the aforementioned goals. That’s up 4 auxiliaries from December! ● Awards for Departments:
Silver Department Award #2: $250 to each Department that reaches 98% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,829 total members (including deaths) by March 31, 2024*. As of January 29, 2024, we have met our goal!
Gold Department Award #3: $300 to each Department that reaches 100% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,886 total members (including deaths) by June 30, 2024*. As of January 28, 2024, we only need 57 annual members to renew or convert to life and/or new or rejoin annual/life members. Remember, we have 133 annual members who have not renewed; so, we could easily reach and exceed this goal.
Platinum Department Award #4: $400 to each Department that reaches 101% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,915 total members (including deaths) by June 30, 2024*. Departments that receive the Platinum Department Award #4 for $400 will still receive the Gold Department Award #3 for $300 for a combined total of $700. As of January 28, 2024, we only need 86 members in order to reach this goal. Remember, we have 133 annual members who have not renewed; so, we could easily reach and exceed this goal. ● Conference vs. Conference:
$50 to each Department within the Conference with the highest total percentage by January 31, 2024*.
$50 to each Department within the Conference with the highest total percentage by June 30, 2024* *Based on the June 30, 2023, year-end membership numbers. Report Your Membership Activities Monthly. Please remember to complete the monthly reporting form online at http://www.vfwauxms.org/report-forms/ or by downloading and completing the form and sending it to me via regular mail at Michele Brinson, or by email at no later than the 5th day of each month if possible. If you have problems completing the reporting form online or sending it via regular mail or email, you may call me or text me with your information at 901-734-8160. I have had the honor to work with you and have seen what all of you have done for the past 2 years and what you have done so far this year, and I believe that we can reach and exceed our goal! We are fast approaching March 31, 2024, and what an amazing gift it would be to renew your membership or convert to a life member in honor of your Veteran(s). Auxiliaries, please continue to reach out to your lapsed/unpaid members and encourage them to renew or convert in honor of their Veteran(s) today but no later than March 31, 2024, and please continue to recruit new members into our organization. Let’s continue to honor our Veterans, our Service men and women, their families, our communities, and our organization by keeping our membership current, being involved/active, and by asking others to join. Remember, our membership and service matter–You matter and, by “Banding Together,” we can do so much for those who have sacrificed and done so much for our Country and for all of us. God bless our Veterans, Service Members, their families, our organization, our department, and all of you. Hope to see all of you in March in Gulfport. Roll On Mississippi And Keep Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans,
Hello everyone. Hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas and have an amazing New Year. It is so hard to believe that 2024 is almost here. Let’s look at what Membership means to our organization but, most importantly, to our Veterans. Membership is the lifeblood of our organization and, without members, we would not have the voice that we have and would not be able to accomplish the great things that we do in support of and for our Veterans. Without each of you and without new members, who will take care of our Veterans? It’s scary to think about, or should be. Why? Because each of you matter not only to your Auxiliary, District, Department, and Organization, but because each of you matter to our Veterans.
As a reminder, if you have officers who have not yet paid their dues for the year, in accordance with Sec. 109 of our National Bylaws, “…No officer may be relieved of their office except for the following reasons: Non-payment of dues prior to December 31. Once relieved from office, the member may not be re-elected or appointed to any position until the member’s dues are paid…” Auxiliary Presidents/Secretaries, please log in to MALTA, click on Duties, click on Reports, and click on Unpaid Members Report for your Auxiliary. If your Auxiliary has an officer who has not yet renewed their dues and who does not renew their dues by December 31, 2023, please notify your District President along with our Department Secretary Gloria Grady, Department Treasurer Benita Lyman, Chief of Staff Laurie Williamson, and Madam President Barbara Franklin.
This year, we need to retain 778 continuous annual members (annual members who renew or convert to a life member) compared to 840 continuous annual members last year. As of December 27, 2023, we have had 497 annual members renew their dues and 55 annual members convert to a life member. So, what does this mean? This means we still have 225 annual members who have not yet renewed their dues or converted to a life member. The question we need to answer is why. Why are we losing so many members who do not choose to renew their dues, and what can we do to change this trend and keep members active and involved? With that in mind, now is the time to please be sure to continue to make contact those annual members who have not yet renewed their dues or converted to a life member. Remember, you can generate dues reminder notices in MALTA to mail to your annual members and/or you can reach out to them by phone, letter, text, message, email, or face-to-face. Please encourage their participation and let them know how important they are to your auxiliary, our organization, and to all Veterans and their families. Also, please be sure to remind them of the eligibility requirements for the Cancer Grant, which are as follows: “Applicant must be a member of the VFW Auxiliary for one (1) full year and current dues must be paid…” While we all hate to lose members for any reason, we do not want any of our members to lose their eligibility because they are not current in paying their dues.
So far this year, we have gained 59 new annual members, 7 rejoin annual members, 20 new life members. and 1 rejoin life member for a total of 87 new members. Sadly, however, we have also already lost 1 annual member and 43 life members who have passed away. As of December 27, 2023, our “Current Total” Membership (excluding our 44 deceased members) was 2,634 or 91.27% and our “Paid Total” Membership (including our 44 deceased members) was 2,678 or 92.79%.
So, Lights, Camera, Action: Remember, this year, we are incorporating movies into our Membership Program, and we want to make it fun for all and help our Southern Conference Director win the prestigious award for Best Picture of the 2023-2024 Program Year. So, let’s all “Band Together” to help make this happen by inviting new members, investing in all members, and including current members. Keep all members informed, encourage their participation, and get them involved in activities/events. Have a Plan that includes: • Contacting current members; • Outreach to former members; • Recruiting events for new members; • Picking a mentor for a new member; •Planning at least four recruiting events in your community each year.
Membership Program Awards: ● Awards for Members:
Lights, Camera, Action! pin to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits five (5) new members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2023, through May 31,
The Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2024. Lights, Camera, Action! pin will be mailed directly to the member from National Headquarters.
National Membership Achievement (NMA) Award to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits 20 new members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024. The Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2024. NMA Award to be presented at the 2024 National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. If a member is not in attendance, the award will be mailed directly to the member from National Headquarters after the National Convention.
Lights, Camera, Action! VFW Auxiliary Recruiter Drawing. Each VFW Auxiliary National Membership Achievement Award recipient will be entered into a drawing to receive a $500 Visa Gift Card (VFW Recruiters are not eligible). Recruiter Award Forms are no longer needed for VFW Auxiliary members. Reports are compiled by VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters from information entered in MALTA. VFW members who recruit new VFW Auxiliary members will need to fill out the required VFW members-only form that is available on MALTA Member Resources. Completed form must be received at VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters and Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA by June 10, 2024. ● Awards for Auxiliaries:
$25 to each Auxiliary that reaches 98% Plus in Paid Total Membership by March 31, 2024*.
$25 to each Auxiliary that reaches 100% Plus in Paid Total Membership by June 30, 2024*.
Lights, Camera, Action! VFW Auxiliary Drawing. Each VFW Auxiliary that reaches 101% Plus in Paid Total Membership by June 30, 2024* will be entered into a one time drawing to receive $500. I am very happy to report that 19 auxiliaries have already met or exceeded some or all of the aforementioned goals. That’s up from 12 auxiliaries last month! ● Awards for Departments:
Silver Department Award #2: $250 to each Department that reaches 98% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,829 total members (including deaths) by March 31, 2024*. As on December 27, 2023, we only need 151 annual members to renew or convert to life and/or new or rejoin annual/life members. Remember, we have 225 annual members who have not renewed; so, we could easily reach this goal.
Gold Department Award #3: $300 to each Department that reaches 100% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,886 total members (including deaths) by June 30, 2024*. As of December 27, 2023, we only need 208 annual members to renew or convert to life and/or new or rejoin annual/life members. Remember, we have 225 annual members who have not renewed; so, we could easily reach this goal.
Platinum Department Award #4: $400 to each Department that reaches 101% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,915 total members (including deaths) by June 30, 2024*. Departments that receive the Platinum Department Award #4 for $400 will still receive the Gold Department Award #3 for $300 for a combined total of $700. As of December 27, 2023, we only need 237 members in order to reach this goal, and we have 225 annual members who have not renewed leaving only 12 more new and/or rejoin annual/life members to obtain; so, we could easily reach this goal. ● Conference vs. Conference:
$50 to each Department within the Conference with the highest total percentage by January 31, 2024*.
$50 to each Department within the Conference with the highest total percentage by June 30, 2024* *Based on the June 30, 2023, year-end membership numbers.
Report Your Membership Activities Monthly. Please remember to complete the monthly reporting form online at http://www.vfwauxms.org/report-forms/ or by downloading and completing the form and sending no later than the 5th day of each month if possible. If you have problems completing the reporting form online or sending it via regular mail or email, you may call me or text me with your information at 901-734-8160. I have had the honor to work with you and have seen what all of you have done for the past 2 years and what you have done so far this year, and I believe that we can reach our goals! The New Year is fast approaching and what an amazing gift it would be to renew your membership or convert to a life member in honor of your Veteran(s). Auxiliaries, please continue to reach out to your lapsed/unpaid members and encourage them to renew or convert in honor of their Veteran(s) today but no later than January 31, 2024. Let’s continue to honor our Veterans, our Service men and women, their families, our communities, and our organization by keeping our membership current, being involved/active, and by asking others to join. Remember, our membership and service matter–You matter and, by “Banding Together,” we can do so much for those who have sacrificed and done so much for our Country and for all of us. God bless our Veterans, Service Members, their families, our organization, our department, and all of you. Hope to see all of you in Tupelo.
Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans, Michele M. Brinson
Hello everyone. Hope all of you had a blessed Thanksgiving. So hard to believe that Christmas will be here before we know it and then the New Year. Let’s look at what Membership means to our organization but, most importantly, to our Veterans. Membership is the lifeblood of our organization and, without members, we would not have the voice that we have and would not be able to accomplish the great things that we do in support of and for our Veterans. Without each of you and without new members, who will take care of our Veterans? It’s scary to think about, or should be. Why? Because each of you matter not only to your Auxiliary, District, Department, and Organization, but because each of you matter to our Veterans.
As a reminder, if you have officers who have not yet paid their dues for the year, in accordance with Sec. 109 of our National Bylaws, “…No officer may be relieved of their office except for the following reasons: Non-payment of dues prior to December 31. Once relieved from office, the member may not be re-elected or appointed to any position until the member’s dues are paid…”
This year, we need to retain 778 continuous annual members (annual members who renew or convert to a life member) compared to 840 continuous annual members last year. As of November 28, 2023, we have had 337 annual members renew their dues and 50 annual members convert to a life member; sadly, however, we have already lost 1 annual member who passed away. So, what does this mean? This means we have 390 annual members who have not yet renewed their dues or converted to a life member. The question we need to answer is why. Why are we losing so many members who do not choose to renew their dues, and what can we do to change this trend and keep members active and involved? With that in mind, now is the time to please be sure to contact those continuous annual members who have not yet renewed their dues or converted to a life member. Remember, you can generate dues reminder notices in MALTA to mail to your annual members and/or you can reach out to them by phone, letter, text, message, email, or face-to-face. Please encourage their participation and let them know how important they are to your auxiliary, our organization, and to all Veterans and their families. Also, please be sure to remind them of the eligibility requirements for the Cancer Grant, which are as follows: “Applicant must be a member of the VFW Auxiliary for one (1) full year and current dues must be paid…” While we all hate to lose members for any reason, we do not want any of our members to lose their eligibility because they are not current in paying their dues.
So far this year, we have gained 56 new annual members, 6 rejoin annual members, 20 new life members. and 1 rejoin life member. Sadly, however, we have also already lost 40 life members who have passed away. As of November 28, 2023, our “Current Total” Membership (excluding our 41 deceased members) was 2,535 or 87.84% and our “Paid Total” Membership (including our 41 deceased members) was 2,576 or 89.26%.
So, Lights, Camera, Action:
Remember, this year, we are incorporating movies into our Membership Program, and we want to make it fun for all and help our Southern Conference Director win the prestigious award for Best Picture of the 2023-2024 Program Year. So, let’s all “Band Together” to help make this happen by inviting new members, investing in all members, and including current members. Keep all members informed, encourage their participation, and get them involved in activities/events. Have a Plan that includes: • Contacting current members; • Outreach to former members; • Recruiting events for new members; • Picking a mentor for a new member; •Planning at least four recruiting events in your community each year.
Membership Program Awards:
● Awards for Members:
1. Lights, Camera, Action! pin to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits five (5) new members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024. The Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2024. Lights, Camera, Action! pin will be mailed directly to the member from National Headquarters.
2. National Membership Achievement (NMA) Award to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits 20 new members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024. The Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2024. NMA Award to be presented at the 2024 National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. If a member is not in attendance, the award will be mailed directly to the member from National Headquarters after the National Convention.
3. Lights, Camera, Action! VFW Auxiliary Recruiter Drawing. Each VFW Auxiliary National Membership Achievement Award recipient will be entered into a drawing to receive a $500 Visa Gift Card (VFW Recruiters are not eligible). Recruiter Award Forms are no longer needed for VFW Auxiliary members. Reports are compiled by VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters from information entered in MALTA. VFW members who recruit new VFW Auxiliary members will need to fill out the required VFW members-only form that is available on MALTA Member Resources. Completed form must be received at VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters and Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA by June 10, 2024.
● Awards for Auxiliaries:
1. $25 to each Auxiliary that reaches 98% Plus in Paid Total Membership by March 31, 2024*.
2. $25 to each Auxiliary that reaches 100% Plus in Paid Total Membership by June 30, 2024*.
3. Lights, Camera, Action! VFW Auxiliary Drawing. Each VFW Auxiliary that reaches 101% Plus in Paid Total Membership by June 30, 2024* will be entered into a one time drawing to receive $500. I am very happy to report that 12 auxiliaries have already met or exceeded some or all of the aforementioned goals.
● Awards for Departments:
1. Bronze Department Award #1: $200 to each Department that reaches 95% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,742 total members (including deaths) by November 30, 2023*. We need 166 annual members to renew their dues or convert to a life member (out of the 390 annual members who have not yet done so) and/or new/rejoin annual/life members.
2. Silver Department Award #2: $250 to each Department that reaches 98% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,829 total members (including deaths) by March 31, 2024*.
3. Gold Department Award #3: $300 to each Department that reaches 100% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,886 total members (including deaths) by June 30, 2024*.
4. Platinum Department Award #4: $400 to each Department that reaches 101% Plus in Paid Total Membership or 2,915 total members (including deaths) by June 30, 2024*. Departments that receive the Platinum Department Award #4 for $400 will still receive the Gold Department Award #3 for $300 for a combined total of $700.
● Conference vs. Conference:
1. $50 to each Department within the Conference with the highest total percentage by January 31, 2024*.
2. $50 to each Department within the Conference with the highest total percentage by June 30, 2024*
*Based on the June 30, 2023, year-end membership numbers.
Report Your Membership Activities Monthly.
Please remember to complete the monthly reporting form online at http://www.vfwauxms.org/report-forms/ or by downloading and completing the form and sending it to me via regular mail at Michele Brinson, or by email at no later than the 5th day of each month if possible. If you have problems completing the reporting form online or sending it via regular mail or email, you may call me or text me with your information at 901-734-8160.
Can we reach our goals? I have had the honor to work with you and have seen what all of you have done for the past 2 years, and I believe that we can! Christmas and the New Year are fast approaching and what an amazing gift it would be to renew your membership or convert to a life member in honor of your Veteran(s). Please reach out to your lapsed/unpaid members and encourage them to renew or convert in honor of their Veteran(s) today but no later than December 31, 2023. Let’s continue to honor our Veterans, our Service men and women, their families, our communities, and our organization by keeping our membership current, being involved/active, and by asking others to join.
Remember, our membership and service matter–You matter and, by “Banding Together,” we can do so much for those who have sacrificed and done so much for our Country and for all of us. Merry Christmas and God bless you all. See you in January. ♥️🎄♥️
Lights, Camera, and Action Department of MS Membership Flier for November 2023
Hello everyone. Hope all of you are doing well. It was great seeing so many of you at the recent School of Instruction in Gulfport. Let’s look at what Membership means to our organization but, most importantly, to our Veterans. Membership is the lifeblood of our organization and, without members, we would not have the voice that we have and would not be able to accomplish the great things that we do in support of and for our Veterans. Without each of you and without new members, who will take care of our Veterans? It’s scary to think about, or should be. Why? Because each of you matter not only to your Auxiliary, District, Department, and Organization, but because each of you matter to our Veterans.
This year, we need to retain 778 continuous annual members (annual members who renew or convert to a life member) compared to 840 continuous annual members last year. As of October 28, 2023, we have had 218 annual members renew their dues and 43 annual members convert to a life member; sadly, however, we have already lost 1 annual member who passed away. So, what does this mean? This means we have 516 annual members who have not yet renewed their dues or converted to a life member. The question we need to answer is why. Why are we losing so many members who do not choose to renew their dues, and what can we do to change this trend and keep members active and involved? With that in mind, now is the time to please be sure to contact those continuous annual members who have not yet renewed their dues or converted to a life member. Remember, you can generate dues reminder notices in MALTA to mail to your annual members and/or you can reach out to them by phone, letter, text, message, email, or face-to-face. Please encourage their participation and let them know how important they are to your auxiliary, our organization, and to all Veterans and their families.
So far this year, we have gained 35 new annual members, 14 new life members. and 1 rejoin life member. Sadly, however, we have also already lost 30 life members who have passed away. As of October 28, 2023, our “Current Total” Membership (excluding our 31 deceased members) was 2,386 or 82.67% and our “Paid Total” Membership (including our 31 deceased members) was 2,417 or 83.75%.
So, Lights, Camera, Action: Remember, this year, we are incorporating movies into our Membership Program, and we want to make it fun for all and help our Southern Conference Director win the prestigious award for Best Picture of the 2023-2024 Program Year. So, let’s all “Band Together” to help make this happen by inviting new members, investing in all members, and including current members. Keep all members informed, encourage their participation, and get them involved in activities/events. Have a Plan that includes: • Contacting current members; • Outreach to former members; • Recruiting events for new members; • Picking a mentor for a new member; •Planning at least four recruiting events in your community each year.
Membership Program Awards: ● Awards for Members:
Lights, Camera, Action! pin to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits five (5) new members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2023, through May 31,
The Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2024. Lights, Camera, Action! pin will be mailed directly to the member from National Headquarters.
National Membership Achievement (NMA) Award to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits 20 new members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024. The Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2024. NMA Award to be presented at the 2024 National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. If a member is not in attendance, the award will be mailed directly to the member from National Headquarters after the National Convention.
Lights, Camera, Action! VFW Auxiliary Recruiter Drawing. Each VFW Auxiliary National Membership Achievement Award recipient will be entered into a drawing to receive a $500 Visa Gift Card (VFW Recruiters are not eligible). Recruiter Award Forms are no longer needed for VFW Auxiliary members. Reports are compiled by VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters from information entered in MALTA. VFW members who recruit new VFW Auxiliary members will need to fill out the required VFW members-only form that is available on MALTA Member Resources. Completed form must be received at VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters and Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA by June 10, 2024.
● Awards for Auxiliaries:
$25 to each Auxiliary that reaches 98% Plus in Paid Total Membership by March 31, 2024*.
$25 to each Auxiliary that reaches 100% Plus in Paid Total Membership by June 30, 2024*.
Lights, Camera, Action! VFW Auxiliary Drawing. Each VFW Auxiliary that reaches 101% Plus in Paid Total Membership by June 30, 2024* will be entered into a one time drawing to receive $500.
I am very happy to report the following auxiliaries have already met or exceeded some or all of the aforementioned goals. Congratulations to Auxiliaries 2618 and 79 for meeting the 98% Plus in Paid Total Membership goals; to Auxiliaries 3978 and 12121 for meeting both the 98% Plus and 100% Plus in Paid Total Membership goals; and to Auxiliaries 12124 and 10567 for meeting the 98% Plus, 100% Plus, and 101% Plus in Paid Total Membership goals. You are all so amazing!
Report Your Membership Activities Monthly. Please remember to complete the monthly reporting form online or by downloading and completing the form and sending it to me via regular mail, or email at no later than the 5th day of each month if possible. If you have problems completing the reporting form online or sending it via regular mail or email, you may call me or text me with your information at 901-734-8160.
Can we reach our goals? I have had the honor to work with you and have seen what all of you have done for the past 2 years, and I believe that we can! Veterans Day is fast approaching and what an amazing gift it would be to renew your membership or convert to a life member in honor of your Veteran(s). Please reach out to your lapsed/unpaid members and encourage them to renew or convert in honor of their Veteran(s) by November 11, 2023, but no later than November 30, 2023. Let’s continue to honor our Veterans, our Service men and women, their families, our communities, and our organization by keeping our membership current, being involved/active, and asking others to join. Remember, our membership and service matter–You matter and, by “Banding Together,” we can do so much for those who have sacrificed and done so much for our Country and for all of us. . Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans, Michele M. Brinson Department of Mississippi VFWA Membership Chairman