Hospital Dec 24

Betty Ashmus 228-990-6969 email

Hoping everyone had a safe, healthy and great time with the family and friends during the Thanksgiving holiday, and now what do we have in mind for our veterans for the Christmas season?

At the Community Living Center in Biloxi VA Hospital, I spied a Christmas tree with Angels as the decorations. Upon closer inspection, the angels were ‘Santa’ request for gifts from the veterans. Do you have such a ‘tree’ in your facility? I thought that was pretty cool, request coming from adults. On second thought, why not? They can’t get out and shop for things they need and we are able to grant some of their wishes. Why not ‘adopt’ some of these veterans? Their request were simple things like shaving cream, T shirts, shower gel, candy. In the past, we have ‘stuffed’ toilet tissue tubes with candy, hand towel tubes with tooth brush and tooth paste, discarded medicine bottles with first aid supplies and sewing kits.

The list is endless and I have my information at the close of this bulletin for any other ideas you can come up with and we can share them. I love hearing from you. We can also sign all the cards you receive in the mail that you will never use and bring them to the hospital or nursing homes to the elderly or shut-ins in your community. Hospital work is not all done at the Veterans Hospital or the Veterans Home. I found out about a private home that houses 5 wheelchair bound veterans and we are decorating large shoe boxes and filling them with goodies. (And they don’t even know the boxes are coming) Can’t wait to see the looks on their faces. But I don’t have to tell you about helping our true heroes.

You have been doing a great job in your respective areas with all you do now. This is the season for giving to others and who else would be more grateful for our giving efforts? Lets keep in mind this season those who are less fortunate and make their holiday extra special with a visit and a smile on your face, believe it or not, you’ll come away with a really good feeling. Until next year, be safe, be healthy and enjoy the holidays with friends and family.

God bless America and God bless out veterans.

Yours in service to our true heroes,

Betty P. Doucet Ashmus

Hospital Nov 24

Betty Ashmus 228-990-6969 email

Hello all! Did everyone have fun and learn something at the Council meeting? It was a great learning experience for some. Now that Halloween is over and all the candy has been given out…..go back to the store and get some more. It’s time to go to the VA and nursing homes for Bingo, parties, dinners and…Thanksgiving. We need treats for all our patients. And not only treats, but lap blankets, caps, socks etc… How many of you are going to your local nursing home or Veterans Hospital for the holidays? Your smiles will be a welcome sight. AND you may not be able to visit the homes or hospitals but you can do things at home to help bring joy to those in the facilities. Can you sign some of those holidays cards you receive that you don’t need? Can you help sew coverings and pockets for the wheelchairs and walkers, or make lap blankets from home and give to your fellow sisters and brothers to take with them on their next visit? There are plenty of ways to help from your home. If you had time on your hands, it would be a great neighborly thing to ask a close veteran or caregiver to offer them a ride to their next appointment. The caregiver might need a short break for that day. Think outside the box. We never know what will work til we try. If you would like to volunteer on a regular or even occasional basis, call me and I will set you up. Till next time, have a safe, healthy holiday and get out and VOTE!

Yours in service to our true heroes.

Hospital Oct 24

Betty Ashmus 228-990-6969 email

Hello to all the volunteers in and out of the Hospital program. What’s new in your location? A lot has been going on in the coast area. A new program is about to start at the Biloxi VA Center…….COFFEE AND DONUTS! Yeah! October 1st starts the distribution of hot coffee and fresh donuts, twice a week, Tuesday and Thursdays, for our veterans visiting at the Biloxi VA facility for appointments or any other reason. If you would like to help with this worthy project, feel free to ask about joining the volunteering team. We have a monthly social with the PTSD group on the 2nd Wednesday at 1.30pm, and we added to our schedule, visiting and socializing at the Blind Rehab Center, Building 14 on September 24 th. We will have monthly Ice-Cream Socials there on the 4th Tuesday at 1.30 pm. If you are in the area, please don’t hesitate to join in. All are welcome and the patient’s really love the interaction.

We have a monthly social at the CLC. Building 15, on the 4th Friday also at 1.30 pm. I will be asking for donations of personal items for our ‘Blessing Bags’. There will be a list of small items, for example, shampoo, tooth brushes, conditioner, shower gel, soap, deodorant, (you get the picture) that will fit in a gallon zip lock bag to be given to the homeless. More on these programs at the Council of Administration in October. If you can help it will be appreciated. Also donations are always need for the pantry at the VA for the homeless. With the cooler weather coming I know that coats and sweaters will be appreciated along with gloves and scarves. As you are cleaning out those closets, think of the less fortunate and be kind. There are so many ways to help our veterans and their families especially those in nursing homes that have lost their loved ones. Please visit them if you can. They will welcome a smiling face any time of the day. We may be in their shoes (or bed) some day and would really like to see a familiar face to two.

If anyone has free time or maybe just a day that you are sitting around the house doing ho-hum things and want to get out and do something different, think of the time being well spent and get that ‘feel good’ feeling, come see us at the VA, nursing home or any hospital. YOU WILL BE APPRECIATED

See me for your volunteer’s information.

Yours in service to our true heroes

Hospital Sept 24

Betty Ashmus 228-990-6969 email

What type of personality are YOU? Outgoing, Witty, Flower Child, Social Butterfly, Creative, Dull, Interesting, Not-so interesting, Wild, A loner, Direct, Indirect, Outspoken, (I wonder who that could be) Quite, maybe not-so quite. The list goes on …….. HOWEVER, what ever type of personality you may be, WE can use you and your unique personality in the Hospital program.

Is there a Nursing home near you? Is there an assisted living facility near you? Is there a Veterans Home or hospital near you? Personalities of all types can do SOMETHING for our shut-ins. If you can’t visit or spend any time with our hospital folks, you can do something constructive at your house or friends homes to make our veterans and shut-ins a bit more pleasant or comfortable. You think, like what? How about making a small ‘happy’ or write some ‘cards’ or a big ‘happy’? A small gesture of your appreciation could be received with a smile or such happiness you can’t imagine.

Some of our veterans have NO family and the only people they see daily are the nursing staff or doctors. These individuals are there for the veterans needs and are dedicated to helping them in a lot of ways, but how about someone who comes in with a big smile on their face and sits with them and ask about their day or their family, how they’re doing or just sitting with them while they remanise about their lives and dreams.

The rewards are not tokens or something tangible but the feeling you get that warms you to the core. I’m most of those personalities at one time or another and use all of them while working with our veterans and feel that you too can bring something to the table for our veterans.

The list is endless and you and your friends that can’t make it to a facility could get together and create something that could be useful to donate to one of the homes and put a smile on a patient’s face and make their day brighter. Think about it and maybe come up with things to do for our true heroes, you may help someone you will never meet but may change their lives for a short time.

If you can’t thing of anything, give me a call and maybe I can help.

Hospital April 2024

Carol Fetters 228-596-5014 Email Monthly Report Form

This year’s National theme “Banding Together for our Veterans”, and the Department of Mississippi’s theme, “Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans” is the lifeblood of the Hospital Program. The volunteer efforts of our members and working together makes a huge difference in the lives of our hospitalized veterans.


As we continue through the months, our National Hospital Ambassador would still like for all volunteers to think outside the box in organizing “fun” for our veterans. Our veterans love celebrating traditional holidays, but so do all the organizations who support our veterans. Maybe they would also enjoy celebrating some non-traditional holidays. Some of these March holidays are:

April 9 – National Library Workers’ Day

April 12 – Grilled Cheese Day

April 15 – Tax Day

April 22 – Jellybean Day

April 26 – Pretzel Day

Auxiliaries were recently mentioned because they gave out watermelons and water pistols and wipes. These were very funny ideas that the veterans loved.

If your VA hospital or Nursing Home allows your auxiliary to visit the veterans on any of these days, think about doing and preparing some of these non-traditional holidays!

These non-traditional holidays are an excellent chance to show your veterans something different to celebrate. Make sure you take care of their caretakers also.

All report forms should be turned in by now. Hopefully your Auxiliary will get recognition for all the Hospital and Nursing Homework you have performed to honor our veterans!

Just because the report forms have ended for this year, please don’t forget about your veterans. They are still in the hospital or nursing home, and they still need your care! Continue to honor your veterans!

Hospital March 24

Carol Fetters 228-596-5014 Email Monthly Report Form


As we continue through the months, our National Hospital Ambassador would still like for all volunteers to think outside the box in organizing “fun” for our veterans. Our veterans love celebrating traditional holidays, but so do all the organizations who support our veterans. Maybe they would also enjoy celebrating some non-traditional holidays. Some of these March holidays are:

March 1 – Peanut Butter’s Day – Bring a peanut butter dessert or candy
March 4 – Toy Soldier Day – Anyone for playing?
March 6 – Oreo Cookie Day – Bring Oreos and milk for the veterans
March 13–National Good Samaritan Day, Do something great for the veterans
March 14 – Popcorn Lover’s Day – Have a popcorn party
March 23 – National Chip and Dip Day – Have a little party for the veterans

If your VA hospital or Nursing Home allows your auxiliary to visit the veterans on any of these days, think about doing and preparing some of these non-traditional holidays!
These non-traditional holidays are an excellent chance to show your veterans something different to celebrate. Make sure you take care of their caretakers also.


Women have served our nation for generations and are the fastest growing group within the veteran population. Comprehensive health services are available and tailored to the unique needs of women veterans.

It is time to think about The Awards that can be obtained by filling out the applications in the VFW Malta Member Resources. The reports must be sent to me by March 31, 2024.

  1. Citation to the VFW Auxiliary member in each of the 10 Program Divisions who recruits the most Hospital (VA and non-VA facilities) volunteers from July 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024. Entry form (required) available on MALTA Member Resources. Citations to be mailed directly to winners after National Convention.
  2. “Hospital Volunteer Recruiter of the Year” plaque awarded to one Auxiliary member in the nation who recruits the most Hospital volunteers (VA and non-VA facilities) from July 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. Entry form (required) available in MALTA Member Resources. Plaque to be mailed directly to winner after National Convention.
  3. Citation to the Outstanding Hospital Volunteer of the Year in each of the 10 Program Divisions. Entry form (required) available at MALTA Member Resources ( Citations to be mailed directly to winners after National Convention.

This year’s National theme “Banding Together for our Veterans”, and the Department of Mississippi’s theme, “Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans” is the lifeblood of the Hospital Program. The volunteer efforts of our members and working together makes a huge difference in the lives of our hospitalized veterans.

I would also remind everyone who has not reported on any hospital work they have done, please do so now. You can use the website, email, or snail mail. I will be calling to talk with each auxiliary that has not reported.

Remember to bring items for the Hospital Table at C of A in Gulfport

Hospital Feb 24

Carol Fetters 228-596-5014 Email Monthly Report Form

This year’s National theme “Banding Together for our Veterans”, and the Department of Mississippi’s theme, “Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans” is the lifeblood of the Hospital Program. The volunteer efforts of our members and working together will make a huge difference in the lives of our hospitalized veterans.


As we continue through the months, our National Hospital Ambassador would still like for all volunteers to think outside the box in organizing “fun” for our veterans. Our veterans love celebrating traditional holidays, but so do all the organizations who support our veterans. Maybe they would also enjoy celebrating some non-traditional holidays. Some of these January holidays are:

Feb. 1 – Robinson Crusoe Day – Discuss the trials of Robinson Crusoe,

Feb. 2 – Groundhog Day – Have a party about Groundhog Day, predicting the next six months of weather

Feb. 3 – Golden Retriever Day – Bring a Golden Retriever Service Dog for the veterans to have fun with.

Feb. 6 – Lame Duck Way

Feb. 8 – Laugh and Get Rich Day

If your VA hospital or Nursing Home allows your auxiliary to visit the veterans on any of these days, think about doing and preparing some of these non-traditional holidays!

These non-traditional holidays are an excellent chance to show your veterans something different to celebrate. Make sure you take care of their caretakers also.


This month is the NATIONAL SALUTE TO VETERAN PATIENTS. It is a special month for our veterans. The week of February 14 is your opportunity to thank a special group of men and women who are cared for throughout the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers, outpatient clinics and nursing homes. The purpose of the National Salute to Veteran Patients

program is to pay tribute and express appreciation to veterans, increase community awareness of the role of the VA medical center and encourage citizens to visit hospitalized veterans and become more involved as volunteers. Our hospital volunteers contribute to VA personnel and patients. It is because of volunteers like you who bring a touch of happiness to those veterans’ faces.

This year on Friday, Feb.9, 2023 the VA Hospital in Biloxi is having a “Mardi Gras Parade” for the veterans. They will be outside (weather permitting) catching beads, candy, toys, stuffed animals from VFW and Auxiliary members and other organizations on floats, trailers, cars and on foot honoring our veteran heroes. Afterwards the veterans will be treated to King cakes” and other goodies. Come on down from North Mississippi and join in the fun.


Share the love we have for our veterans and service members this Valentine’s Day by sending a valentine, hosting a party, recognition event or dinner in their honor.

It is time to think about The Awards that can be obtained by filling out the applications in the VFW Malta Member Resources. The reports must e sent to me by March 31, 2024.

1 Citation to the VFW Auxiliary member in each of the 10 Program Divisions who recruits the most Hospital (VA and non-VA facilities) volunteers from July 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024. Entry form (required) available on MALTA Member Resources. Citations to be mailed directly to winners after National Convention.

2. “Hospital Volunteer Recruiter of the Year” plaque awarded to one Auxiliary member in the nation who recruits the most Hospital volunteers (VA and non-VA facilities) from July 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. Entry form (required) available in MALTA Member Resources. Plaque to be mailed directly to winner after National Convention.

3. Citation to the Outstanding Hospital Volunteer of the Year in each of the 10

Program Divisions. Entry form (required) available at MALTA Member Resources

( Citations to be mailed directly to winners after National Convention.

I would also remind everyone who has not reported on any hospital work they have done, please do so now. You can use the website, email, or snail mail. Any way you want to report, but report! Those who have been reporting, continue to do so!

Remember to bring items for the Hospital Table at

C of A in Gulfport

Hospital Jan 24

Carol Fetters, Auxiliary 228-596-5014 Email Monthly Report Form

Welcome to the New Year!

There are many exciting things for our veterans this year.

This year’s National theme “Banding Together for our Veterans”, and the Department of Mississippi’s theme, “Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans” is the lifeblood of the Hospital Program. The volunteer efforts of our members and working together will make a huge difference in the lives of our hospitalized veterans.


As we continue through the months, our National Hospital Ambassador would still like for all volunteers to think outside the box in organizing “fun” for our veterans. Our veterans love celebrating traditional holidays, but so do all the organizations who support our veterans. Maybe they would also enjoy celebrating some non-traditional holidays. Some of these January holidays are:

Jan. 10 – National Bitter Sweet Chocolate Day

Jan. 12 – National Hot Tea Day

Jan. 16 – National Fig Newton Day

Jan. 17 – National Popeye Day

Jan. 23 – National Pie Day

Jan. 26 – National Peanut Brittle Day

Jan. 31 – National Hot Chocolate Day

If your VA hospital or Nursing Home allows your auxiliary to visit the veterans on any of these days, think about doing and preparing some of these non-traditional holidays!

These non-traditional holidays are an excellent chance to show your veterans something different to celebrate. Make sure you take care of their caretakers also.



Share the love we have for our veterans and service members this Valentine’s Day by sending a valentine, hosting a party, recognition event or dinner in their honor.


The week of February 14 is your opportunity to thank a special group of men and women who are cared for throughout the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers, outpatient clinics and nursing homes. The purpose of the National Salute to Veteran Patients program is to pay tribute and express appreciation to veterans, increase community awareness of the role of the VA medical center and encourage citizens to visit hospitalized veterans and become more involved as volunteers. Our hospital volunteers contribute to VA personnel and patients. It is because of volunteers like you who bring a touch of happiness to those veterans’ faces.

You might also be thinking about The Awards that can be obtained by filling out the applications in the VFW Malta Member Resources.

1 Citation to the VFW Auxiliary member in each of the 10 Program Divisions who recruits the most Hospital (VA and non-VA facilities) volunteers from July 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024. Entry form (required) available on MALTA Member Resources. Citations to be mailed directly to winners after National Convention.

2. “Hospital Volunteer Recruiter of the Year” plaque awarded to one Auxiliary member in the nation who recruits the most Hospital volunteers (VA and non-VA facilities) from July 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. Entry form (required) available in MALTA Member Resources. Plaque to be mailed directly to winner after National Convention.

3. Citation to the Outstanding Hospital Volunteer of the Year in each of the 10

Program Divisions. Entry form (required) available at MALTA Member Resources

( Citations to be mailed directly to winners after National Convention.

Remember to bring items for the Hospital Table at Mid-Winter Conference!



Hospital Dec23

Carol Fetters 228-596-5014 Email Monthly Report Form

This year’s National themeBanding Together for our Veterans”, and the Department of Mississippi’s theme, Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans” is the lifeblood of the Hospital Program. The volunteer efforts of our members and working together will make a huge difference in the lives of our hospitalized veterans.


The VA and other health care facilities are always needing volunteers. Please enlist some of your members to make the sacrifice to help the patients at the hospitals and nursing homes.

Volunteers can serve in local hospitals, Veterans’ homes, nursing homes, domiciliaries and both VA and non-VA medical clinics and facilities. Anyone can serve; Members, non-members, youth and families. Volunteers can do many things depending on the facility. Some facilities have varying types of opportunities to suit different ages and abilities. Some facilities have a volunteer program in place with specific jobs, events and needs. Whichever facility is available, make sure you know and follow the guidelines of the facility.

Auxiliary members can earn Hospital Volunteer Service Pins from National Headquarters. Your Auxiliary Hospital Chairman should keep track of all volunteers’ hours (both VA and non-VA) and apply for the pins. Non-members can earn a one-time only volunteer pin for 100 hours.


As we continue through the months, our National Hospital Ambassador would still like for all volunteers to think outside the box in organizing “fun” for our veterans. Our veterans love celebrating traditional holidays, but so do all the organizations who support our veterans. Christmas and the New Year are holidays that everyone sees our veterans in the hospitals and nursing homes. Maybe they would also enjoy celebrating some non-traditional holidays. Some of these December holidays are:

I am sure there are many ways to celebrate these and other different holidays for our veterans.

Dec. 3 – Make a Gift Day

Dec. 9 – Christmas Card Day

Dec. 16 – Boston Tea Party

Dec. 24 – National Egg Nog Day (Serve them several kinds of egg nog)

Dec. 30- Bacon Day (I bet they would love BACON)

These non-traditional holidays are an excellent chance to show your veterans something different to celebrate. Make sure you take care of their caretakers also.


Keep in mind the “TRADITIONAL” holidays are coming up! Thanksgiving and Christmas are near. The veterans look for the extra attention they receive during these months. Try to be with them more than usual.

I hope everyone has a wonderful, healthy and safe Christmas.