Carol Fetters 228-596-5014
The HOSPITAL PROGRAM is one of the first nationally adopted programs for the VFW Auxiliary. VFW Auxiliary members have been volunteering in hospitals since 1914 at the organization’s inception.
This year’s National theme “Banding Together for our Veterans”, and the Department of Mississippi’s theme, “Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans” is the lifeblood of the Hospital Program.The volunteer efforts of our members and working together will make a huge difference in the lives of our hospitalized veterans.
The past few years with covid has made it difficult to take care of our veterans like we wanted. The volunteer efforts of our members and working together with the hospitals and nursing homes will make a huge difference in the lives of our hospitalized veterans.
Success to the program will be thru good communications of the members and volunteers. It is my job to inform and motivate you to become involved. All volunteers should be creative when planning hospital activities.
Veterans may be eligible for care through a provider in their local community, depending on their health care needs or circumstances, and if they meet specific eligibility criteria. Veterans can still receive care at a VA Medical facility if they choose.
Veterans must receive approval from the VA before receiving care from a community provider to avoid being billed for the care. VA staff generally make all eligibility determinations for community care. The veterans can utilize an in-network physician under the following systems or circumstances:
- General Community Care
- Urgent Care
- Emergency Care
- Foreign Medical Care
- Home Health and Hospice Care
- Indian/Tribal Health Services
- In Vitro Fertilization
- State Veterans Homes
- COVID and Flu Shots
The VA Community Care Network is a connection for veterans to access community providers that will assist with timely and high-quality care.
Our National Hospital Ambassador would like for all volunteers to think outside the box in organizing “fun” for our veterans. Our veterans love celebrating traditional holidays, but maybe they would also enjoy celebrating some non-traditional holidays. Some of these September holidays are:
Plan an event that is different and usual!
Sept. 5 – National Cheese Pizza
Sept. 9 – National Teddy Bear Day
Sept.12 – National Chocolate Milkshake Day
Sept. 14 – National Cream-filled Donut Day
I am sure there are many ways to celebrate these and other different holidays for our veterans.
- Most outstanding activity and/or event that recognizes veterans on non-traditional holidays.
• Citation to every Auxiliary that hosts an activity and/or event that recognizes veterans on non-traditional holidays. Entry form required and available in MALTA Member Resources. Auxiliaries must send the entry form to their Department Hospital Chairman by March 31, 2024 for judging.
The Department Hospital Chairman is to email National Headquarters by April 30, 2024 at a total combined list of every Auxiliary in their Department that completed and submitted an entry form.
Citations will be mailed directly to participating Auxiliaries from National Headquarters.
• Citation and $25 to one Auxiliary in each of the four Conferences that hosts the most outstanding activity and/or event recognizing veterans on non-traditional holidays.
The Department Hospital Chairman must sign and send a copy of the completed Department-winning entry form to the National Hospital Ambassador by April 30, 2024 for judging.
Citations will be mailed directly to winning Auxiliaries from National Headquarters and money will be deposited into Auxiliary account after National convention.
Program Divisions. Entry form (required) available at MALTA Member Resources ( Citations to be mailed directly to winners after National Convention.