Carol Fetters 228-596-5014 Email Monthly Report Form
This year’s National theme “Banding Together for our Veterans”, and the Department of Mississippi’s theme, “Soaring Above and Beyond for Veterans” is the lifeblood of the Hospital Program. The volunteer efforts of our members and working together makes a huge difference in the lives of our hospitalized veterans.
As we continue through the months, our National Hospital Ambassador would still like for all volunteers to think outside the box in organizing “fun” for our veterans. Our veterans love celebrating traditional holidays, but so do all the organizations who support our veterans. Maybe they would also enjoy celebrating some non-traditional holidays. Some of these March holidays are:
April 9 – National Library Workers’ Day
April 12 – Grilled Cheese Day
April 15 – Tax Day
April 22 – Jellybean Day
April 26 – Pretzel Day
Auxiliaries were recently mentioned because they gave out watermelons and water pistols and wipes. These were very funny ideas that the veterans loved.
If your VA hospital or Nursing Home allows your auxiliary to visit the veterans on any of these days, think about doing and preparing some of these non-traditional holidays!
These non-traditional holidays are an excellent chance to show your veterans something different to celebrate. Make sure you take care of their caretakers also.
All report forms should be turned in by now. Hopefully your Auxiliary will get recognition for all the Hospital and Nursing Homework you have performed to honor our veterans!
Just because the report forms have ended for this year, please don’t forget about your veterans. They are still in the hospital or nursing home, and they still need your care! Continue to honor your veterans!