Aletta Butler (228) 334-2783 EMAIL monthly report form
send pictures to email questions email
WOO HOO!!!! Y’all rock at loving Veterans, Active duty and your communities!
About the challenge put to your Auxiliary (see below)….y’all still have time to publish what your Auxiliary and Post did during November & December. Make sure to bring it to me at Mid Winter.
Yes we want to know what y’all have been up to all year – however, the amazing things that were done during a time of the year that most are being selfish with “I have so much to do for me” your Auxiliary and Post stepped up and took care of your local Veterans, children in your community, families that just needed a hand up,
- donated to food banks
- worked tirelessly for Toys for Tots
- packed care packages for our deployed service members
- held fundraisers so you could make care packages for our Veterans in the VA homes
- teamed up with your Post to give gift cards so many in your community could have Christmas dinner
- opened your Post and served a holiday meal, laid thousands of wreaths the whole state of Mississippi on our departed Veterans graves
- baked and cooked cookies
- pies and cakes for our Veterans
- adopted Veterans from the VA nursing home to make their Christmas wish list come true
- worked with community partners to help the homeless
- visited with patients in nursing homes
- stuffed backpacks for VA delivery
- held Christmas breakfast for the community complete with Santa pictures
- held Christmas party for customer appreciation
- donated to local Church pantry
- held a taco bar for Veterans from VA
- grocery shopping for the month for a Marine and 4 children
- donated blankets to the local human society
- gave blankets to Veterans at the nursing home
- adopted Veterans in the nursing homes
- donated personal care buckets to the homeless through the Sherriff department
- represented the VFW & Auxiliary in Christmas parades
- personally delivered Christmas stockings
- donated books about Veterans to local schools
- and to start the month of December off y’all took a moment to go to the VA and nursing homes to decorate Christmas tress.
All I can really say is how humbled I am to call you Sister and Brother! Your selfless during the holidays (and all year round) is part of who we are in being a member of the greatest Veterans organization on the face of the earth!
You are SPECTACULAR!! May God Bless you each and everyday of the New Year that is ahead –
(Challenge for November & December- publish a public article of something your Auxiliary and Post has done over Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. This can be a FB LIVE on your Post/Auxiliary/personal public Facebook, advertising on the radio station, be highlighted on the community section during the local news program, article in the newspaper, Tik Tok – instagram – you tube public station. – as always if you are interested in any of this and not sure where or how to start give me a call) Bring or send this to me at Mid-Winter each entry will receive a special gift. -don’t forget to report it 😉
We are making HISTORY for our future!