Mentoring for Leadership – August

Marquitta Hill

What are Standing Rules?

• The purpose for Standing Rules is to establish guides for specified operations, activities, events, expenses, and disbursements between Auxiliary meetings. Often Standing Rules contain the information for the Treasurer to use as a guide in reimbursing members or donations per the amount allowed in the budget. They may state what to pay, when and to whom.

Who May Have Standing Rules (Refer to Article II, Sec. 211)?

• Auxiliaries at all levels may establish Standing Rules to provide for specified operations, activities, events, expenses, and disbursements between meetings, provided such rules do not conflict with the National or Department Bylaws. It is suggested that Standing Rules be reviewed annually.

What else may be included in the Standing Rules?

  • Standing Rules may also contain general operating procedures, for example:

• What travel may be reimbursed and how much
• Department or District dues amounts
• Officers’ duties
• Annual donations

Status of a Standing Rules (Refer to Article II, Sec. 211)

• Standing Rules may be:
• Amended, modified, or rescinded at any meeting.
• Become effective immediately.
‐ If prior notice is given, Standing Rules will come up for discussion, a majority vote of those members can bring about change.
‐ If previous notice is not given, two‐thirds (2/3) vote is required.

What if there’s no Standing Rules?

• If an Auxiliary, County Council, District or Department does not have Standing Rules, business is efficiently conducted by motion made, seconded, and passed on the Auxiliary floor prior to money being disbursed or general operating procedures being conducted.
• If there is a need to clarify the budget or establish an approval for funds to be disbursed between meetings, then Standing Rules might be needed

What are samples of Standing Rules?

• Pay bond Membership dues on each level.
• Pay for flowers Love gifts.
• Pay Health & Happiness Program awards.
• Pay District Dues Travel expenses.

Mentoring for Leadership Program
Marquitta Hill

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