Mentoring for Leadership

Marquitta Hill, Auxiliary 601.596.7546 EMAIL monthly report form

Ways to Engage Members

After recruiting new members and current members have started coming back to meetings, you must find different ways to keep them engaged because you do not want to lose your new and current members. How can you continue to keep members engaged? 

1. Mailing/Emailing a quarterly newsletter which includes important dates for community services, events hosted by the Post/Auxiliary, monthly Auxiliary meetings, and District/Department meetings. 

2. Contacting members via phone or sending them a “Thinking of you note” 

3. All members are to be treated fairly and equally. 

4. Auxiliary Presidents utilizing their Auxiliary meetings as a learning tool. 

5. Educating members about the different programs 

6. Social Events: activities where members are invited to engage with other members to get to know each other. 

7. Allow them to work on committees that interest them. 

8. Always be positive and not talk negative about others.

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