Hospital Sept 24

Betty Ashmus 228-990-6969 email

What type of personality are YOU? Outgoing, Witty, Flower Child, Social Butterfly, Creative, Dull, Interesting, Not-so interesting, Wild, A loner, Direct, Indirect, Outspoken, (I wonder who that could be) Quite, maybe not-so quite. The list goes on …….. HOWEVER, what ever type of personality you may be, WE can use you and your unique personality in the Hospital program.

Is there a Nursing home near you? Is there an assisted living facility near you? Is there a Veterans Home or hospital near you? Personalities of all types can do SOMETHING for our shut-ins. If you can’t visit or spend any time with our hospital folks, you can do something constructive at your house or friends homes to make our veterans and shut-ins a bit more pleasant or comfortable. You think, like what? How about making a small ‘happy’ or write some ‘cards’ or a big ‘happy’? A small gesture of your appreciation could be received with a smile or such happiness you can’t imagine.

Some of our veterans have NO family and the only people they see daily are the nursing staff or doctors. These individuals are there for the veterans needs and are dedicated to helping them in a lot of ways, but how about someone who comes in with a big smile on their face and sits with them and ask about their day or their family, how they’re doing or just sitting with them while they remanise about their lives and dreams.

The rewards are not tokens or something tangible but the feeling you get that warms you to the core. I’m most of those personalities at one time or another and use all of them while working with our veterans and feel that you too can bring something to the table for our veterans.

The list is endless and you and your friends that can’t make it to a facility could get together and create something that could be useful to donate to one of the homes and put a smile on a patient’s face and make their day brighter. Think about it and maybe come up with things to do for our true heroes, you may help someone you will never meet but may change their lives for a short time.

If you can’t thing of anything, give me a call and maybe I can help.