Membership 24

Michele Brinson 901-734-8160 email

From Our Roots to Our Branches, Extending Service To Our Veterans. However, we are also encouraged to extend our service to our communities and organizations within our communities. Steps to a Successful Auxiliary Outreach Project: • Partner with organizations that could use assistance. • Vote and approve a motion to provide assistance in your meeting and record that approval in your meeting minutes–if possible at the first meeting of the new year. • Approval should occur prior to the outreach activity except on rare occasions such as a natural disaster or emergency • At least one Auxiliary member must participate in order to be counted as auxiliary outreach, and projects may be done by only the Auxiliary or together with the VFW Post. • Wear VFW Auxiliary attire while participating (shirt, hat, name badge, lanyard, etc.).

• All volunteer hours need to be counted (but not monetary donations).

 • Share information about the VFW Auxiliary; i.e., what we do, why we do it, how someone can become a member, etc. 

What’s Considered Auxiliary Outreach: 

● Auxiliary Outreach is for projects not affiliated with the VFW or VFW Auxiliary.

● Participation in walks that benefit other organizations such as an event spotter, water station volunteer, timekeeper, etc. (Note: This does not include walking in the event). 

● Partner with law enforcement personnel on child ID kits, bicycle safety training, etc.

● Partner with firefighters on fire safety and prevention.

 ● Partner with EMTs to host CPR training.

● Partner with Senior Citizens Centers by teaching a basic computer class, playing bingo, doing arts and crafts or other activities, etc.

● Partner with parks and recreation departments or garden clubs to adopt a park, plant trees, perform general clean up; etc.

● Partner with animal shelters by volunteering to help clean kennels, walk animals, etc. 

● Partner with homeless shelters by serving food, bussing tables, cleaning up, etc. 

● Partner with food pantries to stock shelves, pack food boxes, serve food, etc.

● Partner with the Red Cross or others at their blood drives. 

● Partner with Meals on Wheels. 

● Partner with organizations that provide clothing, household goods, furniture, appliances, bedding, etc., by sorting items, passing out items, etc. 

● Helping a church host a community-wide Easter egg hunt, trunk or treat, breakfast with Santa; Vacation Bible School, etc. 

● Donations of goods are now reportable under Auxiliary Outreach if you have at least one auxiliary member who is gathering and delivering items to an organization that is not specific to a Veterans’ service organization. 

Let others know that you are with the VFW auxiliary and are volunteering your time/services to help this organization when dropping off your donations. This collecting clothing, shoes, household items, appliances, furniture, medical equipment, etc., for organizations such as, House of Grace, Hope Ministries, etc. 

Auxiliary Outreach Program Award: Most outstanding photo collage created by the VFW Auxiliary of their VFW Auxiliary Outreach partnerships during the current Program Year. Citation and $25 to one VFW Auxiliary in each of the 10 Program Divisions that creates the most outstanding photo collage of their VFW Auxiliary partnerships during the current Program Year. So, remember to capture pictures of all the amazing things you are doing in your communities.

Denzel Washington once said, “At the end of the day it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished…it’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.” Let’s continue to extend our services and give back by volunteering and helping our communities and organizations within our communities.